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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 12:20 PM


First Published in 1994


Rep. Gresham Barrett, state Sen. David Thomas and attorney Allen Wilson spoke to the Upstate Republican Women at their monthly meeting, Feb. 15, at the Poinsett Club. Suzette Jordan is president.

Bill Connor, a candidate for lieutenant governor, visited the club to meet members and guests. For more information, visit Connor’s web site at www.voteconnor.com.

Gresham Barrett, candidate for governor Rep. Barrett, a candidate for governor, said the June primary is not going to be a popularity contest, but it is going to be about who has a definitive plan for South Carolina.

Rep. Barrett said: “I believe in God (with Him all things are possible), the sanctity of life and that we as leaders must do everything we can to protect that life. I believe that innovation not taxation is the way we solve our energy problems, and that South Carolina can be and should be the nation’s leader when it comes to energy independence.”

Hanson---WilsonSpeaksBest126He went on to say: “I believe in the Second Amendment, the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this great state. I believe in spending the taxpayers’ dollars wisely, and I will not raise taxes as governor to pay for the government of South Carolina. I believe your health care decisions are best left to you and your doctor, not some bureaucrat sitting behind a desk in Washington, D.C.

“I believe in hard work, personal freedom, devotion to family and service to country.”

Barrett concluded: “I believe collectively we can take South Carolina to somewhere she has never been before.” For more information visit Rep. Barrett’s web site at www.greshambarrett.com.

David Thomas, candidate for Congress

Sen. David Thomas recounted his financial reform efforts in the South Carolina legislature and committed to pursue similar changes in Washington. He warned that the only way the U.S. Congress can rein in out-of-control spending is to raise taxes substantially and inflate the money supply, which will bring on massive percent inflation.

A third solution would be to control spending, but, “believe me, the Democrats are not going to talk about controlling spending.”

Hanson---DavidThomasSpeaks95-2Sen. Thomas, the son of a Baptist preacher, said he was in church every Sunday and Wednesday, and that his dad and mom taught him right vs. wrong out of the Bible.

Allen Wilson, candidate for attorney general Allen Wilson said he is a conservative Republican, pro-life, pro-business, favors small government, and is a strict constructionist on Constitutional issues. He mentioned his passion for public service, leadership and for prosecution. He and his three brothers are Eagle Scouts, and all are commissioned officers in the military.

Wilson is a veteran of the Iraqi War, where he led soldiers in combat. “I know what it is like to be shot at, and I know what it is like to have to shoot back,” he said. “It is not fun.”

Eighteen sheriffs, some of whom are Democrats, have endorsed Wilson for attorney general. No other sheriff has endorsed any of the other candidates.

Wilson served as a prosecutor in the 11th circuit Solictor’s Office in Lexington. His main goal if elected attorney general is to keep South Carolinians safe. His work experience as a prosecutor has taught him how to lead a prosecution team and manage a criminal docket, duties the attorney general must perform. For more information visit the Allen Wilson campaign site at www.Wilson
