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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 10:49 PM


First Published in 1994


Washington, D.C. – Congressman Jeff Duncan (SC-03) released the following statement after President Donald Trump delivered the 2019 State of the Union address:

“The first two years of the Trump presidency have been marked with tremendous success. President Trump’s devotion to serving the country and dedication to preserving our God-given, Constitutional rights have been the cornerstones of his strong leadership and bold agenda.

“President Trump reflected on promises made and promises kept tonight, while outlining the work that is left to be done. In just two years, he has unleashed a booming economy with record-breaking jobs numbers, and he has worked on trade deals to elevate the American worker and keep the United States first on the global stage. He has supported our allies, rebuilt our military, and supported our brave veterans by ensuring they get the care and resources they deserve. Further, President Trump delivered on the promise to cut taxes across the board, combat the opioid crisis that is devastating our communities, and promote U.S. energy dominance.

"However, one thing remains very clear— we must address the crisis on our southern border. Democrats need to move past their hatred of the President and start focusing on securing our homeland. We need the wall, we need border security, and we need to listen to our security professionals who deserve enhanced resources. 

“President Trump has been met with strong resistance from a radical, open borders agenda throughout his time in office, and I appreciate that he continues to look at every angle to solve the problem of a porous southern border. We all know we need to get this done, and I stand ready to work with him on behalf of the American people. 

“Now, more than ever, we need to continue supporting individual liberty, free-markets, and limited government to ensure this new generation of American greatness is here to stay. President Trump’s message tonight recalled numerous successes over the last two years, but there is still much work to be done. I am thankful that we have a bold leader like President Trump, and I stand ready to work with him on continuing to Make America Great Again.”