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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 12:53 AM


First Published in 1994


MADISON, Wisc. -- USA Powerlifting recently banned transgenders from competition. Minnesota resident JayCee Cooper, the transgender banned, will get help from two Muslims from Minnesota, Attorney General Keith Ellison and newly elected U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar.

U.S. Rep. Omar, D-Minnesota, sent USA Powerlifting a letter saying that Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison would investigate them based on the Minnesota Human Rights Act.

Omar believes transgenders do not have an advantage over female athletes and provided biased medical research backing up her claim.

Omar cited International Olympic Committee (IOC) guidelines on transgenders. However, the IOC "allows sports to determine the impact on fair play through such inclusion."

A court just awarded a transgender $20,000 for being cut by a woman's football team using the Minnesota Human Rights Act.

Steve McConkey operates 4 Winds Christian Athletics, a Madison, Wisconsin worldwide ministry that stands up for Christian athletes.

"We applaud USA Powerlifting for standing against transgenders competing," states McConkey. "Transgender athletes have better physical qualities that cannot be reversed when it comes to competition, no matter what scientists say. Political correctness should stay out of athletics. We need even playing fields and not the promotion of an agenda that is harmful to sports and society."

In 2003, McConkey started fighting the International Olympic Committee for allowing transgenders in the Olympics. He was the only one who stood against this publicly.

From there, the transgender movement spread to state high schools, the NCAA, NFL, NBA, MLB, and the military. Steve has fought this LGBT agenda every step of the way.

Steve and his wife are the founders (1988) and operate 4WCA. They started in world-class track and field ministries in 1981. From 1982 through 1992, Steve was a USA National Club Coach for Athletes in Action (Eugene), Lay Witnesses for Christ (Dallas-Ft. Worth), and 4 Winds Christian Athletics (Minneapolis-St. Paul). Athletes were ranked eighty times.

In 1992, 4WCA dropped the team and started working with all world-class track and field athletes. In 2014, 4WCA started standing up worldwide for Christian athletes in every sport. Steve operates 4WindsUSA.com and periodically appears in articles and on radio worldwide.

Steve graduated with honors from Western Kentucky University (Master of Science-Public Health) and Minnesota State University, Mankato (BS-Community Health).