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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 10:39 PM


First Published in 1994


HOPEDALE, Ohio -- The St. Joseph Foundation (SJF) has released a packet to challenge pro-abortion Catholic politicians.

"Catholic politicians have an obligation to pursue initiatives protecting life at all stages," argues SJF President and Canon Lawyer, Philip Gray. "When they pursue pro-abortion initiatives, they should not be recognized as Catholic." Pro-lifers of any religious background can use the packet, and the SJF is available to assist anyone who pursues action to call out their politicians under the Canon Law of the Catholic Church.

"Catholics from around the country, especially in New York, are angry and confused," explains Gray, "not only by the radical pro-death agenda of laws like New York's Reproductive Health Act, but of the Church's lack of response." The radical legislation removes abortion entirely from the penal code and legalizes abortion up to the point of birth. Governor Andrew Cuomo, who signed the legislation into law, identifies himself as a Catholic.

The SJF does not recommend the use of excommunication as a first response. The repair of the public order as a primary goal, should be pursued instead. "An expiatory penalty of privation can be effected much more quickly and will send a clear message that the Church is not becoming soft on abortion," Gray argues. "Then by all means, pursue formal excommunication."

The SJF's packet provides an explanation of the expiatory penalty and why it is the best course of action in the case of pro-abortion Catholic politicians. It also includes a flow chart of the administrative process used to advocate for such action, and examples of the canonical documents required.

"Ultimately the bishop must issue the penalty, but the Catholics in the pew, anyone harmed by the law, can unite their voices to influence and encourage Catholic Bishops to act," Gray says. For a copy of SJF's packet call (740) 937-2054 or visit stjosephcanonlaw.com.

The SJF (stjosephcanonlaw.com) is a non-profit, Catholic apostolate founded in 1984 to assist the faithful in the vindication of their rights within the Catholic Church. Its legal cases have affected virtually every diocese in North America.