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Sunday, February 9, 2025 - 07:17 PM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Jim-LeeJim Lee, one of five Republicans vying for the Fourth Congressional seat currently held by Rep. Bob Inglis, has made a written commitment to the people of the district.

Lee describes himself as “an American, a born again Christian, a husband and father, a U. S. Air Force veteran, an active member of the U. S. Air Force Reserve, a business professional, and conservative Republican.”

As a congressional candidate, Lee said he seeks to “restore the public trust and confidence between the people and their elected representative.

“With boldness, candor, and clarity, I offer the following written commitment to the people of South Carolina’s Fourth Congressional District:

*I will perform the job of Congressman as a servant leader recognizing above all other aspects of the position that the role of Representative is to uphold the U. S. Constitution and maintain a republican form of government in which supreme power is held by the citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives governing according to law.

* I will legislate with an attitude of humility and respect rooted in the Judeo-Christian worldview.

* I will stand firmly for the traditional values upon which this country was founded: our rights come from our Creator; a small, limited, fiscally responsible federal government of, by and for the people; and the preservation of individual liberty, self-reliance and personal responsibility.

* I will support and defend the whole of the U. S. Constitution; because they are under withering attack, I will staunchly defend the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th, 10th, and 14th amendments.

* I will consider all proposed legislation through the lens of the powers and responsibilities delegated to the federal government as enumerated in the U. S. Constitution. I will consider what is best for America over political party and self-interest.

* I will aggressively oppose any legislation seeking to subordinate in any way America’s sovereignty to any foreign country or international body.

* I will not propose or support any directed spending (e.g. “earmarks”) except in cases of declared wars, natural disasters, or domestic emergencies.

* I will donate ten percent of my gross annual congressional salary to be used to develop, implement and sustain an objective, fact-based program to promote education and awareness of the instrumental people, documents, and history of the foundation of our country, our Constitution, our rights and liberties, and our civic responsibilities.

* I will conduct periodic town hall forums at least quarterly with the constituents of the Fourth Congressional District,

* I will conduct myself in an ethical manner worthy of the respect of the people of the Fourth Congressional District.

* So help me God!