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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 02:52 AM


First Published in 1994


After a long 22-month investigation, special counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence of collusion between the President and Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election. President Trump’s rhetoric was correct: this was a witch hunt. Now that the investigation is over, should we move on? Not yet. This is the time to showcase the ways that the Left fabricates stories to take down our President.

This has been an embarrassing display for Congressional Democrats who have messaged to their voters that they have seen direct evidence of collusion that would eventually lay the grounds to impeach President Trump. Even after the findings were sent to Congress, the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff (D-CA) continued to double down on his lies by telling the Washington Post, “Undoubtedly, there is collusion.” We must continue to point out the disinformation they continue to distribute to the American people.

Even more embarrassing are the media outlets who reported the same, adding to the conspiracy of lies. The President’s campaign team decided to expose every person who has contributed to the barrage of fake news by sending a letter to all tv producers highlighting who made false claims on their networks. Very few news outlets have apologized for these actions. Let’s not forget the other times they have clearly created false narratives around the teens in MAGA hats and the fake Jussie Smollette attack just this year. These outlets should be held responsible for their actions.

Now is the time to continue the investigation, but into those who have corrupted intelligence and law enforcement for their political purposes such as the Clinton campaign, DNC, CNN, and Obama officials, just to name a few. They have slandered Conservatives, buried the truth, and made a mockery of our freedoms. Now, more than ever, the Trump Administration needs to shed light on the truth by issuing real justice.

Eagle Forum is pleased with the findings of the Mueller Report. We will continue to keep you apprised of only the facts impacting our nation.