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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 02:55 AM


First Published in 1994


We are delighted to announce that Representative Paul Gosar, D.D.S will be joining us for Phyllis Schlafly’s Collegians Summit 2019!  

Dr. Gosar serves the people of the Arizona 4th Congressional District.  Since he first took office in 2010, Dr. Gosar has been an unwavering supporter of the Constitution and an ally to conservatives.  

After twenty-five years of owning his own dental practice in Flagstaff, Arizona, Dr. Gosar entered public service for the first time and in his second term was recognized as one of the hardest working and effective freshmen members of Congress.  In that term, six of his bills passed and twenty-four of his amendments were adopted. One of his many achievements in the House was his facilitation of an Arizona land exchange, which created 3,700 jobs and infused $60 billion into the Arizona economy.

Possessing an impressive resume of roles, Dr. Gosar has served on many committees, including the powerful House Oversight and Reform Committee, the House Committee on Natural Resources, and the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources.  

As a representative of a border state, one of Dr. Gosar’s focuses has been opposing illegal immigration and strengthening border security, both being forefront issues of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles as well.  Because of his stellar record, Dr. Gosar has been presented with many awards and recognitions, including the “Spirit of Enterprise” award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the “Constituent Communication” award, and the “Defender of Israel” award.  We are excited to have Dr. Gosar as our special guest!

There are limited scholarships for travel and lodging available.  Register for this FREE event now by clicking here.