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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 02:43 AM


First Published in 1994


Last year, the Health and Human Services Department (HHS) reviewed their Title X rules and tightened up their grant rules to comply with federal law. They determined that Title X recipients could not reside with abortion facilities. Federal law bans any federal money from funding abortions, so separating the two clarifies where the money is actually going. In addition, HHS highlighted a federal law requiring Title X recipients to report abuse incidents, encourages families to be involved in family planning decisions, and no longer forces pregnancy centers to refer for abortions. 

After implementing these rules and carefully reviewing each Title X applicant, HHS released their list of grantees this week. The list shows that money was granted to more comprehensive health care facilities rather than abortion facilities. One of the major pro-life clinics, Obria Group, will receive $1.7 million to serve low-income individuals in California. They providepregnancy testing and counseling, prenatal care, HIV/AIDS testing, ultrasounds, cancer testing, well-woman care, pap smears, STD testing and treatment, adoption referral and post-abortion support. While $16 million was still awarded to seven Planned Parenthood locations, Planned Parenthood, in general, received $44 million less than previous years.  They, of course, intend to sue HHS. This is a huge win for President Trump’s pro-life agenda and for families across our nation. 

The news coincided with a strong push by House Republicans to pass the Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 962).  Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) filed a discharge petition (H.Res. 102) to override Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) decision to block a vote on saving babies who are born alive after an abortion attempt. As soon as the petition reaches 218 signatures, H.R. 962 will go straight to the House floor for a vote. So far, 193 House Members have signed the discharge petition including 2 Democrats. Signers formed a long line on the House floor to show solidarity on this issue. They are not wasting any time to save future lives.

Eagle Forum applauds the Trump Administration for protecting the unborn. We ask that you encourage your Congressman to sign the discharge petition, even if they are Democrats. To contact your Congressman, please visit this link. What excuse does anyone have for not protecting living, breathing, innocent human life?