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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 04:26 AM


First Published in 1994


Democrats led a sham hearing on the Equal Rights Amendment. The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties chose six panelists to argue the points in favor of the ERA. The panel was stacked in Democrats’ favor.  The panelists included two Democrat Congresswomen, one ERA activist, one liberal celebrity, and one professor of law.  While the professor, Elizabeth Foley, argued that the ERA would not hold up in court due to the seven-year deadline that passed in 1979, she expressed her support for the substance of the amendment. ERA opponents were shut out and not allowed to give testimony.

While five Republican Congressmen sit on the subcommittee, two were noticeably absent. Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) made excellent pro-life arguments, highlighting the fact that taxpayers would be forced to pay for abortions if ERA were ti pass.  When pressed on this assertion, he articulately defended his statements with state cases and articles from pro-abortion groups.

Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) has introduced a resolution (H.J. Res. 38) to eliminate the ratification deadline. Prof. Foley argued that Congress does not have the Constitutional authority to do so.

Eagle Forum Chairman Anne Schlafly Cori said, “It is shocking, but not surprising, that the House Democrats would refuse to hear testimony on the harms to women from the Equal Rights Amendment. When American learn about the consequences of ERA, they oppose it. ERA died in the 1970s after a vigorous national debate; ERA should not be resurrected today with only emotional arguments.”

Eagle Forum was represented at the hearing by our Legislative Assistant, Kirsten Hasler.  We also briefed Congressional staff in March, as well as sent talking points on the ERA prior to the hearing.