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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 04:41 AM


First Published in 1994


Re-election team plans to more than double number of communications staff from 2016

"President Trump’s re-election team is building out its political infrastructure with a round of hires that underscores the importance the Midwest and Florida are expected to have in the 2020 election.

The campaign has carved the nation into nine regions as it decides how best to spend its resources on contacting voters, motivating supporters and, eventually, getting them to the polls on Election Day, according to campaign officials. Each area will be overseen by a newly hired regional political director.

The re-election team, branded Trump Victory, also has hired nine state political directors—including one each in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida—with another half dozen or so expected to be announced in the coming weeks. They also have plans to hire a team of nearly 50 regional communications staffers, more than double the size of the 2016 team. The regional communications team will be overseen by Rick Gorka, a former communications staffer on Mitt Romney’s 2012 Republican presidential campaign. The regional press team will report to Tim Murtaugh, the campaign communication director.

In a joint statement Wednesday, Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale and RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said they are planning a voter-turnout operation and a communications team that will be 'the largest ever undertaken by a presidential campaign.'

The Trump Victory team said it already has 30,000 trained 'fellows,' volunteers that will be responsible for organizing neighborhood teams and leading voter contact activities."

Read the full article here.

The Latest Trump Victory Hires:

Southern Atlantic region: North Carolina, Virginia, South Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky will be overseen by Jason Simmons, who was the North Carolina state director for the Trump campaign in 2016 and joined the administration in the Small Business Administration. Joe Jackson will serve as the Republican National Committee's Communications Director for South Carolina, he was previously in Florida during the 2018 elections.