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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 06:37 AM


First Published in 1994


May 21, 2019, marks the 100th anniversary of the House passage of women’s suffrage giving women the right to vote in elections. Women have enjoyed the freedoms of being politically active and voting for candidates that best represent them.

The liberal agenda has since warped the definition of equality and women’s rights. They have pushed to trample on men’s freedoms, snuff out the lives and well-being of children, and catered to those who pretend to be women. 

Just this week, the House passed the Equality Act (H.R. 5). Allowing this legislation to continue through the Senate and pass into law would be devastating for everyone, especially women. This bill would grant men the right to sue if they were denied equal access to women’s private spaces such as showers, bathrooms, and nursing rooms. These men could also have access to women’s prisons and shelters. Women’s athletics would be dominated by men. Mothers would have no say in their child’s healthcare decisions if that child asks for hormone treatments or sex-reassignment surgery. Even a woman choosing a female doctor because of religious or personal preference would be considered discriminatory.   
This issue has taken such an extreme turn, that some feminists and leftists have spoken out against it. Julia Beck, a lesbian feminist who was kicked off of Baltimore’s LGBT Commission, outlines these issues and more at a Congressional hearing on the Equality Act. She adds, “…everything I just listed is already happening, and it’s only going to get worse if gender identity is recognized in federal law.”
Phyllis Schlafly saw the gift of women’s voices in the political arena and encouraged them to engage. The Equality Act would silence women across our nation and undermine their freedoms. 
This also paves the way for the Equal Rights Amendment to resurface in the House. How your representative voted on the Equality Act could be an indicator of how they would vote on the ERA. Eagle Forum continues to fight against these pieces of legislation and is scoring the Equality Act to hold lawmakers accountable.