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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 08:26 AM


First Published in 1994


In Just A Few Short Years, President Trump Has Kept His Promise To The American People By Securing Our Borders, Cutting Taxes, And Creating An Economy That Works For Everyone

The Facts:


On the campaign trail, then-candidate Donald Trump pledged to " jump start " the American economy.

Since election day, President Trump's pro-growth policies have generated 6 million jobs, the lowest unemployment rate since 1969, 10 months of wage growth above 3%, and sky-high GDP growth.

President Trump has also made good on his promise to revitalize manufacturing. Under the Trump Administration manufacturers have added nearly half a million jobs, a far cry from the almost 200,000 lost under President Obama.

Minorities have thrived in the Trump Economy with Hispanics, Asian s, and African Americans all seeing record low unemployment under President Trump.


On the campaign trail, then-candidate Donald Trump pledged to cut taxes, "especially for the middle-class."

President Trump and Republicans cut taxes for 82% of middle-class households, saving Americans an average of $1,260 .

President Trump kept his promise to make American businesses more competitive and has cut taxes for corporations and small businesses alike.


President Trump pledged on the campaign trail to nominate pro-life judges.

President Trump has nominated nearly 150 conservative judges including 2 Supreme Court justices, Justice Neil Gorsuch and Justice Brett Kavanaugh .


Then-candidate Donald Trump pledged to end President Obama's war on coal, including rescinding the Clean Power Plan and ending the coal mining lease moratorium.

On August 21, 2018, the Trump Administration replaced President Obama's Clean Power Plan with the Affordable Clean Energy Proposal designed to focus on free market principles that will help achieve American energy dominance while still protecting our environment.

In March 2017, The Trump Administration lifted the ban on new coal leasing on federal land.

President Trump withdrew the U.S. from the harmful Paris Climate Agreement as hepromised he would on the campaign trail.


As promised , the Trump Administration has worked to eliminate unnecessary regulations, and followed through on his pledge to eliminate two regulations for every new regulation imposed.

President Trump kept his promise to roll back Dodd-Frank and reduce its impact on community banks.


President Trump delivered on the " centerpiece " of his health care agenda on the campaign by allowing insurers to sell across state lines.

President Trump has kept his promise to eliminate the Individual Mandate.


President Trump has kept his campaign promises to enforce immigration laws andsecure our southern border by building a border wall .

President Trump ordered the hiring of 10,000 new Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and 5,000 additional border patrol agents.

President Trump signed an executive order that fulfills his campaign promise to deny federal funding to sanctuary cities that refused to follow federal law.

The Trump Administration has secured funding for approximately 445 miles of the border wall.



President Trump Has Kept His Promise To Revitalize America's Economy

On The Campaign Trail, Then-Candidate Donald Trump Recalled How He Helped Revitalize New York City's Economy And Pledged To Do The Same As President And "Jump-Start" America's Economy. "Compare that to my record. In a recent New York Post article by Steve Cuozzo, 'How Donald Trump Helped Save New York City,' the paper writes that I - and this is a direct quote - 'waded into a landscape of empty Fifth Avenue storefronts, the dust-bowl mugging ground that was Central Park and a Wall Street area seemingly on its last legs as companies moved out…almost by force of will - [he] rode to the rescue. Expressing rare faith in the future, he was instrumental in kick-starting the regeneration of neighborhoods and landmarks almost given up for dead.' This is what I want to do for our country - I want to jump-start America." ( The Washington Post , 8/8/16)

Under President Trump, Wages Have Grown At More Than 3% For 10 Months In A Row. Bureau Of Labor Statistics , Accessed 6/15/19)

President Trump Has Added More Than 6 Million Jobs Since His Election In November 2016. Bureau Of Labor Statistics , Accessed 6/5/19)

Since President Trump Took Office, The Unemployment Rate Has Fallen From 4.7% To 3.6%, The Lowest Rate Since 1969. Bureau Of Labor Statistics , Accessed 5/15/19)

GDP Growth Has Soared Under President Trump, With The Economy Growing At 2.3% In 2017, 2.9% In 2018, And 3.1% In The First Quarter Of 2019. Bureau Of Economic Analysis , Accessed 6/15/19)

President Trump Has Brought A Flood Of Manufacturing Jobs Back To The U.S. After Losing Nearly 200,000 Under President Obama

Then-Candidate Donald Trump Made Revitalizing Manufacturing "A Core Part" Of His Pitch To Voters. "Donald Trump has made revitalizing manufacturing-specifically the U.S. steel industry-a core part of his pitch to voters in Rust Belt swing states like Pennsylvania and Ohio. 'We are going to put American-produced steel back into the backbone of our country,' he said at one speech at a scrap-metal plant near Pittsburgh. 'This alone will create massive numbers of jobs.'" ( The Wall Street Journal , 10/14/16)

The U.S. Has Added 471,000 Manufacturing Jobs Since President Trump Took Office. Bureau Of Labor Statistics , Accessed 6/15/19)

Minorities Have Thrived In The Trump Economy

The African American Unemployment Rate Has Been Consistently Lower Than Ever Recorded Under President Trump Than Any Other President, Even Hitting A Record Low Of 5.9% In 2018. Bureau Of Labor Statistics , Accessed 6/17/19)

Asian American Unemployment Hit A Record Low 2.2% In 2019. ( Bureau Of Labor Statistics , Accessed 6/17/19)

The Unemployment Rate For Women Is 3.5%, Just Up From 3.4% In April, Which Was The Best Rate Since 1953 . ( Bureau Of Labor Statistics , Accessed 6/17/19)

The Hispanic-American Unemployment Rate Is At A Record Low Of 4.2%. Bureau Of Labor Statistics , Accessed 6/17/19)


President Trump And Republicans Cut Taxes For 82% Of Middle-Class Households, Saving Americans An Average Of $1,260

On The Campaign Trail Then-Candidate Donald Trump Pledged To Cut Taxes, "Especially For The Middle-Class." "Presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Monday defended his tax proposals, saying he does not plan to raise taxes on the wealthy. 'Everybody is getting a tax cut, especially the middle class,' Trump said on CNN's 'New Day,' pushing back on interviewer Chris Cuomo, who noted reports of Trump discussing increased taxes on the rich." ( The Hill , 5/9/16)

With The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act, President Trump And Congressional Republicans Cut Taxes For 82% Of Middle-Class Households. "In the middle income-quintile, 82 percent will receive a tax cut." ( The Tax Policy Center , 3/28/18)

President Trump And Republicans Cut Taxes "Across All Income Groups" By An Average Of $1,260. "We estimate that the TCJA will reduce individual income taxes by about $1,260 on average in 2018, increasing after-tax incomes 1.7 percent (table 1). Taxes will decline on average across all income groups." ( The Tax Policy Center , 3/28/18)

President Trump Kept His Promise To Make American Businesses More Competitive And Has Cut Taxes For Corporations And Small Businesses Alike

On The Campaign Trail, Then-Candidate Trump Pledged To Lower The Corporate Tax Rate, As Well As The Pass-Through Rate That Impacts Most Small Businesses. "Mr. Trump would lower the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%. He also appeared to abandon a core plank of his earlier tax plans, which called for a 15% top tax rate on business income reported on individual tax returns, instead of taxing such income at the same rates as ordinary income. Small-business groups had praised the single business tax rate." ( The Wall Street Journal , 9/15/16)

The Washington Post : The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Lowered Taxes For The "Vast Majority" Of Americans As Well As Small Business Owners . "The bill also lowers taxes for the vast majority of Americans, as well as small-business owners - at least until the cuts expire after eight years." ( The Washington Post , 12/15/17)

  • Pass Through Corporations Received A 20 Percent Tax Cut From The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act, And Service Businesses Such As Doctors, Lawyers, And Investment Offices Can Only Take The 20 Percent Deduction If They Make Less Than 315,000 Filing Jointly To Avoid Fraud. "'Pass through' companies get a 20 percent reduction: Most American businesses are organized as 'pass through' companies in which the income from the business is 'passed through' to the business owner's individual tax return. S corporations, LLCs, partnerships and sole proprietorships are all examples of pass-through businesses. In the final GOP bill, the majority of these companies get to deduct 20 percent of their income tax-free, a large reduction that mirrors what was in the Senate bill. The changes, however, expire after 2025. The National Federation of Independent Business initially opposed the House version, arguing that it didn't do enough for small businesses. But the NFIB later endorsed the House and Senate plans. Service businesses such as law firms, doctor's offices and investment offices can take only the 20 percent deduction if they make up to $315,000 (for married couples)." ( The Washington Post , 12/15/17)

The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Cut The Corporate Tax Rate By The Largest One Time Amount In U.S. History From 35% To 21%. "Overall, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act represents the largest one-time reduction in the corporate tax rate in U.S. history, from 35 percent down to 21 percent." ( The Washington Post , 12/15/17)


President Trump Kept His Promise To Nominate Pro-Life Judges By Nominating Well Over 100 Conservative Judges Including 2 Supreme Court Justices

On The Campaign Trail Then-Candidate Trump Promised To Nominate Pro-Life Conservative Judges. "Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump appeared on Fox News last night, where he fielded a question from a viewer who wanted him to 'name one specific thing he would do to protect the sanctity of human life.' The GOP candidate quickly turned his focus to judicial nominees: 'I will protect [life] and the biggest way you can protect it is through the Supreme Court and putting people in the court. And actually the biggest way you can protect it, I guess, is by electing me president.'" ( MSNBC , 5/11/16)

On April 4, 2017, The Senate Confirmed President Trump's Nominee, Justice Neal Gorsuch, To The Supreme Court. PN 55 ,4/7/17)

  • The National Right To Life Likewise Urged U.S. Senators To Give Their Full Support To Judge Neil Gorsuch. "On behalf of the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the federation of state right-to-life organizations, we write to urge your full support to achieve the confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch as an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court - including support for the procedural steps necessary to accomplish this, as discussed below." National Right To Life , 03/31/17)

October 6, 2018, The Senate Confirmed President Trump's Nominee Justice Brett Kavanaugh To The Supreme Court. PN 2259 , 10/6/18)

  • The National Right To Life Organization Commended President Trump For Nominating Brett Kavanaugh Saying He Was "Exceptionally Well Qualified To Sit On The U.S. Supreme Court." The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) commended President Donald Trump for his decision to nominate Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia to fill the U.S. Supreme Court seat soon to be vacated by the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. 'All too often, democratically enacted laws to protect unborn children and other vulnerable humans have been overridden by judges who abuse their power to impose their own policy preferences, said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. 'Judge Kavanaugh's record, viewed as a whole, indicates a willingness to enforce the rights truly based on the text and history of the Constitution, while otherwise leaving policymaking in the hands of elected legislators.'" ( National Right To Life , 07/09/18)

The Senate Has Confirmed 57 Of President Trump's Nominees To Circuit Courts And 83 To District Courts. US Courts , Accessed 6/16/19)


President Trump Kept His Promise To End The Obama Administration's War On Coal

In September 2016, Candidate Donald Trump Pledged To End President Obama's War On Coal, Including Rescinding The Clean Power Plan And Ending The Coal Mining Lease Moratorium. "Our energy policy will make full use of our domestic energy sources, including traditional and renewable energy sources. That means we will end the war on coal. I will rescind the coal mining lease moratorium, the excessive Interior Department stream rule, and conduct a top-down review of all anti-coal regulations issued by the Obama Administration. We will eliminate the highly-invasive 'Waters of the US' rule, and scrap the $5 trillion dollar Obama-Clinton Climate Action Plan and the Clean Power Plan - these unilateral plans will increase monthly electric bills by double-digits without any measurable improvement in climate." ( The American Presidency Project , 9/22/16)

On August 21, 2018, The Trump Administration Replaced President Obama's Clean Power Plan With The Affordable Clean Energy Proposal Designed To Focus On Free Market Principles That Will Help Achieve American Energy Dominance While Still Protecting Our Environment. "Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed a new rule to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from existing coal-fired electric utility generating units and power plants across the country. This proposal, entitled the Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) Rule, establishes emission guidelines for states to use when developing plans to limit GHGs at their power plants. The ACE Rule replaced the prior administration's overly prescriptive and burdensome Clean Power Plan (CPP) and instead empowers states, promotes energy independence, and facilitates economic growth and job creation. Pursuant to President Trump's Executive Order 13873, which directed Federal agencies to review burdensome regulations, the EPA undertook a review of the CPP. Many believed the CPP exceeded EPA's authority under the Clean Air Act, which is why 27 states, 24 trade associations, 37 rural electric co-ops, and three labor unions challenged the rule. Additionally, the Supreme Court issued an unprecedented stay of the rule." (Press Release, Environmental Protection Agency , 8/21/18)

In March 2017, The Trump Administration Lifted The Ban On New Coal Leasing On Federal Land . "The Interior Department on Wednesday officially rolled back a major Obama administration coal initiative. Secretary Ryan Zinke formally lifted the ban on new coal leasing on federal land, a policy shift that was one of the cornerstones of the climate and energy executive order that President Trump signed on Tuesday. Interior also suspended a review of federal coal-leasing rates that the Obama administration and environmental activists had touted as a win-win for the climate and for taxpayers." ( The Hill , 3/29/17)

President Trump Withdrew From The Paris Climate Accord As He Promised He Would On The Campaign Trail

On The Campaign Trail, Then-Candidate Donald Trump Promised To "Cancel" The Paris Climate Accords. "He railed against "draconian climate rules" and said he would "cancel" the Paris climate agreement and withdraw any funding for United Nations programs related to global warming." ( MSNBC , 5/26/16)

On June 1, 2017, President Trump Announced The United States Was Withdrawing From The Unfair Paris Climate Change Accords. "On these issues and so many more, we're following through on our commitments. And I don't want anything to get in our way. I am fighting every day for the great people of this country. Therefore, in order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord - (applause) - thank you, thank you - but begin negotiations to reenter either the Paris Accord or a really entirely new transaction on terms that are fair to the United States, its businesses, its workers, its people, its taxpayers. So we're getting out. But we will start to negotiate, and we will see if we can make a deal that's fair. And if we can, that's great. And if we can't, that's fine." ( The White House , 6/1/17)

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) Commended President Trump For Withdrawing From This Bad Deal That Would Have Driven Up The Costs Of Energy, Especially For Middle And Low-Income Americans. "The Paris climate agreement was simply a raw deal for America. Signed by President Obama without Senate ratification, it would have driven up the cost of energy, hitting middle-class and low-income Americans the hardest. In order to unleash the power of the American economy, our government must encourage production of American energy. I commend President Trump for fulfilling his commitment to the American people and withdrawing from this bad deal." ( Speaker Paul Ryan , 06/01/17)

In Reference To The Paris Accords, The New York Time's Nate Cohn Said That This Kind Of Issue "Won Trump So Many Obama Voters." "This is the kind of issue/message [re: Paris Accords] that won Trump so many Obama voters. It pits traditional Dem. industrial base against progressive left." ( Twitter Feed , 06/01/17)


The Trump Administration Has Worked To Eliminate Unnecessary Regulation, Including Fulfilling His Pledge To Eliminate Two Regulations For Every New Regulation Imposed

As A Candidate, Donald Trump Promised To Roll Back The Reach Of The Federal Government. "Before he took office, Donald Trump promised to roll back the reach of the federal government, saying that he would end the 'regulation industry' on the first day of his presidency." ( Politico , 6/7/17)

Then President-Elect Donald Trump Promised He Would "Formulate A Rule That Says That For Every One New Regulation, Two Old Regulations Must Be Eliminated." "President-elect Donald Trump says he has a simple goal in mind when it comes to federal regulations. In a video he released Monday, Trump said he 'will formulate a rule that says that for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated. So important.'" ( National Public Radio , 11/25/16)

As A Candidate, President Trump Pitched An Economic Vision That Would Restore The U.S. Economy By Reducing "Unnecessary Regulation" Along With Other Pro-Growth Policies. "U.S. factories are being 'pushed' offshore because of the high corporate tax rate and burdensome regulatory environment. They are 'pulled' offshore by unfair trade practices such as undervalued currencies and unequal tax treatment by the World Trade Organization. Trump's plan would realign corporate incentives so that it would be more profitable to invest in the United States. Cutting the high corporate tax rate, reducing unnecessary regulation and cracking down on trade cheating would make U.S. corporations competitive on domestic soil." ( The Washington Post , 9/23/16)

On January 30, 2017, President Trump Issued Executive Order 13771, Which Required That For Every New Regulation Promulgated, Two Prior Regulations Be Eliminated. "In his first week in office, President Trump issued Executive Order 13771, which aims to 'manage the costs associated with the governmental imposition of private expenditures required to comply with Federal regulations.' It requires that 'for every new regulation issued, at least two prior regulations be identified for elimination, and that the cost of planned regulations be prudently managed and controlled through a budgeting process.'" ( The Brookings Institute , 10/20/17)

Under The "2-For-1 Rule," Agencies Are Required To Offset The Cost Of Any New Regulation By Eliminating Two Existing Regulations. "Under the so-called '2-for-1 Rule,' the incremental costs of all new regulations for Fiscal Year 2017 must be no greater than zero, unless the regulation is required by law, or, consistent with advice provided in writing by the Director of the OMB. Agencies are expected to meet this new requirement by offsetting any incremental costs from new regulations with the supposed savings gained from eliminating two existing regulations." ( Yale Journal On Regulation , Accessed 4/1/18)

The Trump Administration Has Underway 514 Deregulatory Rulemakings On A Wide Range Of Issues At Different Agencies . "The Trump administration has underway 514 deregulatory rulemakings on a wide range of issues at different agencies. The Trump Administration's most recent Regulatory Agenda reports deregulatory rulemakings are ongoing (i.e., 'active;). This number is also small compared to the huge stock of existing regulations but larger than what the Reagan administration tackled over a similar time frame. The fact that 26 are categorized as economically significant and 156 are categorized as significant is an indication that they may represent important changes to national policy." ( American Counsel For Capital Formation , 3/19)

In FY 2017 And 2018, The Trump Administration Completed 243 Deregulatory Actions. "The total for Fiscal Years 2017 and 2018 is 243 out of the 68,846 total regulations adopted in the last 24 years, as indicated in Table 2, if we accept the accuracy of the OIRA's "deregulatory" classifications. The vast majority of the 243 are not economically significant but they address a wide range of issues from exemptions for religious and moral objections under the Affordable Care Act to streamlined approvals of liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports." ( American Counsel For Capital Formation , 3/19)

President Trump Kept His Promise To Roll Back Dodd-Frank

On The Campaign Trail, Then-Candidate Donald Trump Pledged To Overhaul Dodd-Frank. Trump told Reuters in an interview that he would release a plan in about two weeks for overhauling the 2010 financial regulatory law known as Dodd-Frank. 'Dodd-Frank has made it impossible for bankers to function,' the presumptive Republican nominee said. 'It makes it very hard for bankers to loan money for people to create jobs, for people with businesses to create jobs. And that has to stop.' Pressed on the extent of the changes he wanted to make, Trump said, 'it will be close to dismantling of Dodd-Frank.'" ( Reuters , 5/17/16)

On May 24, 2018, President Trump Signed The Bipartisan Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, And Consumer Protection Act To Alleviate The Regulatory Burden Placed On Community Banks By Dodd-Frank. "A decade after the global financial crisis tipped the United States into a recession, Congress agreed on Tuesday to free thousands of small and medium-sized banks from strict rules that had been enacted as part of the 2010 Dodd-Frank law to prevent another meltdown. In a rare demonstration of bipartisanship, the House voted 258-159 to approve a regulatory rollback that passed the Senate this year, handing a significant victory to President Trump, who has promised to 'do a big number on Dodd-Frank.'" ( The New York Times , 5/22/18)


President Trump Delivered On The "Centerpiece" Of His Healthcare Agenda On The Campaign By Allowing Insurers To Sell Across State Lines

The "Centerpiece" Of President Trump's Healthcare Agenda On The Campaign Train Was His Promise To Allow Insurers To Sell Insurance Across State Lines."Trump, who is working to consolidate his position as the GOP presidential front-runner, pledges to repeal the 2010 Affordable Care Act, commonly called Obamacare. He repeats what had been the centerpiece of his healthcare discussions on the campaign trail: allowing health insurers to avoid state regulations and sell their plans anywhere in the country." ( The Los Angeles Times , 3/3/16)

In March 2019, The Centers For Medicare & Medicaid Services Began Moving Forward With The Deregulation Process Around President Trump's Executive Order Allowing The Sale Of Insurance Across State Lines. "The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a request for information (RFI) today that solicits recommendations on how to eliminate regulatory, operational and financial barriers to enhance issuers' ability to sell health insurance coverage across state lines. This announcement builds on President Trump's October 12, 2017 Executive Order, "Promoting Healthcare Choice and Competition Across the United States," which intends to provide Americans relief from rising premiums by increasing consumer choice and competition." ( CMS , 3/6/19)

President Trump's Executive Order "Specifically Instructs The Administration To Facilitate The Purchase Of Health Insurance Coverage Across State Lines" To Increase Consumer Choice. "The President's Executive Order specifically instructs the Administration to facilitate the purchase of health insurance coverage across state lines. As a direct result, CMS is issuing this RFI to increase consumer choice. The RFI process allows CMS to obtain valuable feedback from the public and collect ideas on how to change the existing system. In particular, CMS is interested in feedback on how states can take advantage of Section 1333 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which provides for the establishment of a regulatory framework that allows two or more states to enter into a Health Care Choice Compact to facilitate the sale of health insurance coverage across state lines. CMS is primarily looking for input on how the agency can expand access to health insurance coverage across state lines, effectively operationalize the sale of health insurance coverage across state lines, and understand the financial impacts of selling health insurance coverage across state lines." ( CMS , 3/6/19)

Donald Trump Kept His Promise To Eliminate The Individual Mandate

As A Candidate, Donald Trump's Healthcare Plan Explicitly Called On Lawmakers To "Eliminate The Individual Mandate." "But in his plan, he says: 'Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.'" ( CNN , 3/3/16)

In December 2017, With The Signing Of The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act, Obamacare's Individual Mandate Clause Was Eliminated. "The tax overhaul - which passed the Senate early Wednesday and is headed to the House for final congressional approval - would scrap the measure, known as the individual mandate, one of the best-known and most-unpopular aspects of former President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act." ( Politico , 12/20/17)


President Trump Made Good On His Promise To Close Loopholes That Allow Fentanyl Manufacturers In China To Legally Produce The Drug And Sent It To The U.S.

On The Campaign Trail, Then-Candidate Donald Trump Promised To Close Loopholes That Had Allowed China To Send Dangerous Drugs Like Fentanyl To Dealers And Users In The U.S. "Second, we will close the shipping loopholes that China and others are exploiting to send dangerous drugs across our borders in the hands of our own postal service. These traffickers use loopholes in the Postal Service to mail fentanyl and other drugs to users and dealers in the U.S." ( The American Presidency Project , 10/15/16)

On April 01, 2019, China Fulfilled Its Pledge To President Trump To Ban Variants Of The Opioid Fentanyl By Declaring Them Controlled Substances. "China announced on Monday that it would ban all variants of the powerful opioid fentanyl , a move that could slow the supply of a drug that in recent years has caused tens of thousands of overdose deaths in the United States. By declaring that all varieties of fentanyl are now controlled substances, China made good on a pledge that the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, made to President Trump late last year." ( The New York Times , 6/17/19)

China's Decision To Ban Fentanyl Variants Came After President Trump Had Publicly Pressured The Country Over Its Lax Enforcement Of The Production Of Opioids. "In December, Mr. Trump announced a promise that Mr. Xi had made to him at the Group of 20 meeting in Buenos Aires, saying then that the step formalized on Monday could be a 'game changer.' He had previously taken to Twitter to excoriate China over the issue, accusing it of 'killing our children and destroying our country.'" (The New York Times , 6/17/19)

China Has Expanded Their Ban On A Few Variants Of Fentanyl To "All Fentanyl-Related Substance" To Plug Gaps That Allow Chinese Manufactures To Make Variations Of The Drug That Are Not Technically Illegal. "China already treats more than two dozen variants of fentanyl and its precursors as controlled substances, thus strictly regulating their production and distribution, but it has banned those variants only after reviewing them case by case, a process that can be lengthy. And because so many more variants exist, and new ones are constantly being created, banning them as a broadly defined class could be far more effective. The latest step would expand restrictions to all 'fentanyl-related substances,' effective May 1. That could plug gaps that, experts and American officials have said, allowed manufacturers in China to make novel variations of the drug that were not technically illegal." ( The New York Times , 6/17/19)

The DEA Praised This "Significant" Step By Saying That It Would "Eliminate Chinese Drug Traffickers' Ability To Alter Fentanyl Compounds To Get Around The Law." "A spokeswoman for the Drug Enforcement Administration described China's announcement as 'significant,' saying in a statement that it would 'eliminate Chinese drug traffickers' ability to alter fentanyl compounds to get around the law.'" (The New York Times , 6/17/19)

American Officials Say That Chinese Exports Of Fentanyl Account For The "Vast Majority" Of Fentanyl In The U.S. "China's export of the drug, which American officials say accounts for the vast majority of the fentanyl that ends up in the United States, has long been a source of tension in relations. More recently, it has also become tangled up in the continuing trade war." ( The New York Times , 6/17/19)


President Trump Has Kept His Campaign Promises To Enforce Immigration Laws And Secure Our Southern Border By Building A Border Wall

As A Candidate, Donald Trump Promised That The U.S. Would "Build A Great Wall Along The Southern Border. TRUMP: We will build a great wall along the southern border." ( The American Presidency Project , 08/31/16)

On February 15, 2019, President Trump Declared The Situation On The Southern Border To Be A National Emergency. "President Trump on Friday declared the situation on the southern border of the United States to be a national emergency, catapulting the country into uncertain legal and political battles as he seeks to fulfill a campaign promise that eluded him for two years." (Damian Paletta, Mike DeBonis, John Wagner, "Trump Declares National Emergency On Southern Border In Bid To Build Wall," The Washington Post, 02/15/19)

  • By Declaring A National Emergency, The President Is Able To Access Specialized Powers Including Funding Laws To Address A Crisis. "In 1976, Congress passed the National Emergencies Act, which permits the president to pronounce a national emergency when he considers it appropriate. The act offers no specific definition of 'emergency' and allows a president to declare one entirely at his or her discretion. By declaring a national emergency, the president avails himself or herself of dozens of specialized laws. Some of these powers have funds the president otherwise could not access." (Deanna Paul, Colby Itkowitz, "What Exactly Is A National Emergency? Here's What That Means And What Happens Next," The Washington Post , 02/15/19)

On May 13, 2019, Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan Told Fox News That President Trump Gave Him A "Direct Legal Order" To Provide Security At The Southern Border. "Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan said in an exclusive 'Fox & Friends' interview Monday that there is a 'crisis' at the southern border and he will follow President Trump's 'direct legal order' to provide security." ( Fox , 05/13/19)

  • The Pentagon Confirmed It Would Spend An Additional $1.5 Billion To Build 80 More Miles Of Wall Along The Southwest Border. "A U.S. defense official confirmed to Fox News Friday that the Pentagon would spend an additional $1.5 billion to build 80 more miles of wall along the U.S.-Mexico border." ( Fox , 05/13/19)

As Of March 7, 2019, One Hundred Eleven Miles Of New Or Replacement Wall Was Built Or In Progress On The Southern Border. "One hundred eleven miles of new or replacement wall is either being built or is in progress on the southern border after Trump's first two years in office, an administration official tells The Daily Caller." (Saagar Enjeti, "Trump Has Secured Funding For More Than Half Of Border Wall ," Daily Caller , 03/07/19)

In February 2017, President Trump Signed An Executive Order Creating A Special Task Force To Develop Policies That Reduce Crime, Illegal Immigration, Drug Trafficking, And Restore Public Safety. "One of the orders, aimed at 'reduc(ing) crime and restor(ing) public safety,' directs Sessions to establish a new Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety. The Task Force will develop 'strategies to reduce crime, including, in particular, illegal immigration, drug trafficking and violent crime.'" (Laura Jarrett, "Trump Signs Three New Executive Orders On Crime Reduction," CNN , 2/10/17)

Upon Entering Office, President Trump Signed An Executive Order To Deny Federal Funding To Sanctuary Cities That Refused To Follow Federal Law, Fulfilling His Campaign Promise To Crack Down On Sanctuary Cities

As A Candidate, Donald Trump Pledged To "End The Sanctuary Cities That Have Resulted In So Many Needless Deaths, Cities That Refuse To Cooperate With Federal Authorities Will Not Receive Tax Payer Dollars." TRUMP: "We will end the sanctuary cities that have resulted in so many needless deaths, cities that refuse to cooperate with federal authorities will not receive tax payer dollars." ( The American Presidency Project , 08/31/16)

In January 2017, President Trump Signed An Executive Order Which Prohibited Sanctuary Jurisdictions From Receiving Federal Grant Funding. "According to the executive order, dubbed 'Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States,' cities that do not comply with federal immigration enforcement agents 'are not eligible to receive Federal grants, except as deemed necessary for law enforcement purposes by the Attorney General or the Secretary.' It also notes that the director of the Office of Management and Budget will be responsible for obtaining and providing 'relevant and responsive information on all Federal grant money that currently is received by any sanctuary jurisdiction.'" (Priscilla Alvarez, "Trump Cracks Down On Sanctuary Cities," The Atlantic , 1/25/17)

President Trump Has Sent Thousands Of ICE And Border Patrol Agents Along With National Guard Troops To Secure The Southwest Border And In Fulfillment Of His Promise That "In A Trump Administration All Immigration Laws Will Be Enforced"

On The Campaign Trail, Candidate Donald Trump Promised That " In A Trump Administration All Immigration Laws Will Be Enforced ." TRUMP "Can you imagine? In a Trump administration all immigration laws will be enforced, will be enforced." (The American Presidency Project , 08/31/16)

In August 2017, President Trump Ordered The Hiring Of 10,000 New Immigration And Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agents And 5,000 Additional Border Patrol Agents. "The President ordered the hiring of 10,000 new Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers and 5,000 additional border patrol agents." ( The White House , 8/16/17)

In April 2018, President Trump Signed A Memorandum Deploying National Guard Troops To the Southwest Border. "President Donald Trump officially signed a memorandum to deploy the National Guard to the southwest border on Wednesday, a move that followed days of him calling for more border security." ( CNN , 4/4/18)

On May 25, 2018, The Pentagon Approved DHS's Request For 736 Additional National Guard Personnel. "The Pentagon has approved another Homeland Security Department request for additional National Guards personnel in an effort to support specifically U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers working by air, sea, and remote land regions, a DHS official confirmed Friday. Defense officials signed off on the deployment of up to 736 National Guard personnel to Southwest border states California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas." ( Washington Examiner , 5/25/18)