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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 08:30 AM


First Published in 1994


While the House is still considering the first spending package (H.R. 2740), they began consideration of a second funding bill  (H.R. 3055). Republicans successfully forced a roll call vote on all amendments to the first package which outraged Democrats. One Democrat member was so upset, that she calledpro-life men “sex-starved”. The tension continues to spill over with new legislation on the table. 

H.R 3055 contains five areas of funding: Commerce, Justice, and Science, Agriculture, Interior and Environment, Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development, and Military Construction and Veterans Affairs. The original version totals $383.3 billion in discretionary spending. This money would be used to fund the deceptive Violence Against Women Act, the liberal National Endowment for the Arts, housing for illegal immigrants, and experimentation on embryos to see how they would react on Mars. House members have offered 290 amendments, many that increase funding for these programs. 

There is still one more major problem with both bills. House Democrats are over-spending in hopes that they could make a deal with the White House to raise the spending caps. The President’s proposed budget was within the current cap on spending, so he is not as keen on making a deal. They will be in discussions this week on how to proceed forward. 

Since House Democrats refuse to fund adequate border security in their appropriations bills, the Senate is using this time to find alternative methods to tackle the current crisis. They began debate on the National Defense Authorization Act (S. 1790) that allows the Pentagon to fund the border wall. 

Eagle Forum has sent a notification to House members that we will score against both spending packages. If you would like to make your voice heard to your Representative, click here.