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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 08:22 AM


First Published in 1994


DODGE CITY, Kan. -- The following is submitted by Rev. CJ Conner:

As conditions at a remote holding center for migrant children came to light last week, Christians were saddened at the thought that we didn't have the resources to take care of innocent children. No soap, no toothpaste, no beds we were told. Christians considered what they could do for their country and tried to donate toiletries only to learn that these resources were in good supply.

Monday we learned that democrats were not going to put up the votes to approve 4.5 billion dollars to address the humanitarian crisis on the border.

While denying that there is a humanitarian crisis at the border, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posted dramatic pictures of herself bent over in grief, wiping tears, crying out to guards at a fence somewhere in an open field.

Islamic Polygamist Ilhan Omar of Minnesota joined with AOC decrying the "concentration camps" on the southern border.

It turns out that what the children didn't have were enough beds. The acting director of customs and border patrol, responsible for the holding centers, was unceremoniously fired and submitted his resignation Tuesday. The democrats suddenly found the votes to fund our humanitarian response. A large order for beds was placed with a fine company, Wayfair, and the most responsive government in memory moved quickly to protect the children being trafficked at our border making sure that every one of them have a bed to sleep on.

Now employees at Wayfair are staging a walkout in protest of beds for victimized children, abused children.

This is their statement, "Wayfair sold beds to furnish border camps; 547 employees signed a petition to ask that we cease all business with border camps; CEO said no, employees are walking out tomorrow at 1:30 p.m."

AOC celebrated the "direct action" tweeting, "Wayfair workers couldn't stomach they were making beds to cage children. They asked the company to stop. CEO said no. Tomorrow, they're walking out. This is what solidarity looks like."

Solidarity with who?

American Christians stand in solidarity with the children, not the people who hate children.

Wayfair must terminate the employment of anybody who participates in this walkout.

No real Christian should ever support the immoral, evil ideas, tactics, or re-election of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who would deprive children of beds to feed her own national profile.


SOURCE Aspire Christian Community