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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 10:32 AM


First Published in 1994


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Members of the House Energy Action Team (HEAT), chaired by Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.), and Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.), hosted a special order on the House floor to discuss the positive effect America's energy renaissance is having across the country. Thanks to President Trump's and House Republicans' pro-energy policies, America is experiencing increased innovation and record growth across the energy industry, which has reduced emissions and lowered consumer costs.

“Energy Secretary Rick Perry recently said that the United States is not just exporting energy, we’re exporting freedom. I couldn’t agree more. There is no national security without energy security. We understand that in the House Energy Action Team.” – Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.). Full opening remarks HERE.

“Let’s look at transportation fuels. Some are in favor of doing away with all fossil fuels in transportation. So what would that do to our environment? If we did away with all gasoline, all diesel fuel, got rid of all combustion engines, did away with jet fuel, ships, if we took fossil fuels out of every form of transportation across the United States, it would wreak havoc on our economy, it would wreak havoc on our way of life, and it would only reduce global carbon emissions by about 4%. There’s a better, smarter way. Let’s take the abundant energy that we have, let’s apply our wonderful research facilities and great minds and innovators that we have in America – we can figure out how to use all our energy sources in a low-cost, clean way, and we can all continue to experience a brighter future ahead.” – Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.). Full remarks HERE.

“If you were to listen to some of our colleagues across the aisle, you’d think that oil and gas are the enemy. That’s not the case at all. Oil and gas are the foundation to build on. Renewable energy like wind and solar are great – and I agree that we need to continue investing in them and researching how to improve them – but they’re not a replacement for oil and gas. The future of energy in our country is dependent on an all-of-the-above approach. All of these energy sources can and should work together to make America successful and energy-dominant on the world stage.” – Rep. Kevin Hern (R- Okla.). Full remarks HERE.

“Energy policies impact every single one of us – if you drive a car, ride in a taxi, use public transit, if you have a house or an apartment, you pay energy bills. We have two options before us. We can choose – as some are suggesting – to ignore our nation’s resource abundance and the world-leading progress we’ve made in producing cleaner, lower-cost energy and blindly pursue lofty goals that have no technological basis. Doing so would mean paying Russia, Iran, Venezuela and other countries that don’t share our values to import their dirtier energy. Or, we can double down on a U.S. energy dominance agenda – and build on the policies and innovation that have resulted in U.S. emissions reductions greater than the next 12 countries combined, explosive job growth, historically low unemployment, and energy and economic security. I urge American energy dominance.” – Rep. Garret Graves (R- La.). 

“We’ve done a great job in America of decreasing our emissions and still keeping our economy growing. There’s a lot to be said for that. Carbon management has really caught on for a number of employers and the technology that can make it more effective is very promising. For instance, there are companies actively looking to pull carbon from the air to sequester it into the ground through direct air capture. This technology continues to develop and to mature. There’s also important carbon capture systems being developed in my home district. We’re seeing incredibly efficient turbines being built that produce much more emission numbers than similar products or plants.” – Rep. Buddy Carter (R-Ga.). Full remarks HERE.

“In short, energy dominance by America makes my home state of Texas great. It makes America greater and it makes the whole world the greatest it can be.” – Rep. Pete Olson (R-Texas). Full remarks HERE.

“When we talk about clean energy in this country- we don’t need out-of-touch, costly socialist policies like the Green New Deal.  That would devastate the best economy in the world! We’re talking about unleashing private sector innovation like nuclear power.” – Rep. Rick Allen (R-Ga.). Full remarks HERE.

“Let’s get to work on legislating, not political messaging. The American people sent us here to work on solutions that impact their pocketbooks and promote their pursuit of happiness. Unleashing American energy and bringing down prices for families we represent is certainly a critically important discussion to have.” – Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.). Full remarks HERE.

“The future of clean energy rests with harnessing the power of the sun and being able to store that power cheaply and portably. No one is doing more research on this than in the United States. I believe that we need to continue pursuing an ‘all of the above’ energy strategy that leads to a cleaner, less carbon-dependent future without forcing Arkansas families to bear the burden of flawed policies like the Green New Deal and the Paris Climate Accord.” – Rep. French Hill (R-Ark.).

“I appreciate members of the House Energy Action Team coming to the floor and talking with America with so much passion about American energy, to meet the needs of our constituents, that at an affordable price helps them meet their budgets.” – Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.). Full closing remarks HERE.