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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 08:20 AM


First Published in 1994


Since the enactment of the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in 1993, companies with 50 or more employees have been providing 12 weeks or more of unpaid family or sick leave, with the guarantee that their employees will not lose their job during their leave. Many states have enacted their own policies on top of FMLA, like paid family leave.

A federally funded paid family leave program has been a talking point for Democrats, Republicans, and even the White House. It seems that both Democrat and Republican House Members and Senators largely agree on the creation of the program but disagree on the means to do so. The main Democratic bill, introduced by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), S.463/H.R. 1185, or the Family and Medical Insurance Leave Act (FAMILY Act), mandates 12 weeks of paid leave funded through the creation of a new payroll tax. Republicans favor Senator Marco Rubio’s (R-FL) and Congresswoman Anne Wagner’s (R-MO) legislation, S.90/H.R. 1940, or the New Parents Act. The New Parents Act permits a portion of an employee’s social security to be taken out for maternity/paternity leave in exchange for delaying the timeline in which they would collect those benefits when they reach beneficiary age.

The creation of a new entitlement program, even with potential balances like social security as a funding stream, will add to our nation’s debt and ultimately hurt the families the program is intended to benefit. Our country already holds $22 trillion in debt and Social Security is estimated to be insolvent in 16 years. Americans also don’t want more taxes taken out of their paychecks to fund a program they might not even use. Furthermore, it is likely that another economic security entitlement program will need to be created to cover the delay in Social Security eligibility for Americans who used their Social Security for family leave. A federal paid family leave policy is yet another example of Congress continuing to spend money we don’t have and ignoring the consequences of our national debt.

Instead of spending more taxpayer money, Congress should enact policies aimed at deregulating and minimizing barriers to entry in business. When this happens, businesses will gain capital and be able to financially provide their employees with benefits they desire, like paid family leave. Eagle Forum will continue to fight the expansion of government at the expense of American families.