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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 12:17 AM


First Published in 1994


Although this notice from the SC Senate Medical Affairs Committee was only received late yesterday (8/27) afternoon, I have been informed that all the slots for opposition testimony are already filled up for Tuesday, Sept 10 in Room 105 of the SC Senate Gressette Office Building ( behind the State House building ).

Both the H 3020 Heartbeat Bill and the H3920 Personhood Bill were filed in the SC House for the 2019 SC Legislative Session.  However, as has normally happened over the last 21 years, the incremental murder "regulation" Heartbeat Bill got passed out of the SC House on April 25, 2019, while the Biblically-based Personhood Bill has not even been assigned yet to a House Judiciary Subcommittee by the Judiciary Committee chairman, Rep. Pete McCoy ( R-Charleston ).

Since personhood legislation was first introduced in the SC Legislature in 1998 ( and active every year in the 21 years since in at least the SC House ), the only year a Personhood Bill was passed out of the SC House was in 2005, and that bill had a fatal flaw rape "exception" amendment to allow administration of an abortifacient pill. Any "exceptions" to personhood, and we no longer have human personhood.

History of Personhood Legislation in South Carolina ( 1998 - 2018 ) 


As long as the SC Legislature has the opportunity to pass bills which "regulate" child-murder by "abortion" instead of Establishing Justice to actually END child-murder by "abortion", then they are perpetuating child-murder by "abortion".  This game has gone on for over 25 years in the SC Legislature.

"Good" is the Enemy of God's Best

The Heartbeat Bill is the Enemy of the SC Personhood Bill.

Please call these four Republicans on the Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee (out of the total of seven members) to vote NO to the H 3020 Heartbeat Bill:

Click on the links below for their respective Contact information:

Senator Shane Martin, Chairman - https://www.scstatehouse.gov/member.php?code=1179545313

Senator Tom Corbin - https://www.scstatehouse.gov/member.php?code=0402272679                     

Senator Mike Gambrell - https://www.scstatehouse.gov/member.php?code=0635227197                                   

Senator Richard Cash - https://www.scstatehouse.gov/member.php?code=0328409052

This latest permutation of incremental "regulation" of child-killing, i.e., the H 3020 Heartbeat Bill is being advocated by SC Citizens for Life, Palmetto Family Council, the Roman Catholic Diocese of SC, and the SC Baptist Convention, none of whom are honoring God's Word by supporting the "regulation" of murder instead of Establishing Justice to end it.

I you have any questions, please e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call/text 803-760-6306.