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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 07:18 AM


First Published in 1994


Just a reminder - TODAY will be an important day for the pro-life cause in South Carolina.

The State Senate Medical Affairs Committee will be holding hearings on the "SC Fetal Heartbeat Protection from Abortion Act", (also known as the "Heartbeat Bill") - and we need pro-life conservatives to show up and be heard.

Our State Senate leadership is serious about protecting the unborn and they have made the Heartbeat Bill a priority, so a Medical Affairs sub-committee has been appointed to hear testimony this Tuesday, September 10th.

The Heartbeat Bill was passed by an overwhelming State House majority earlier this year, and if it gets through the Senate committee it will come up for a vote of the full Senate early next year.

But we need pro-life conservatives to have their voices heard now!

The Heartbeat Bill hearing will be held in the Senate Gressette Office Building, 1101 Pendleton St., Columbia, S.C. 29201. The building is directly behind the State House. The hearing is scheduled from 10 a.m. to Noon and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

We need more pro-life conservatives there to counter the pro-abortion demonstrators who are threatening to pack the room, so please make plans to attend if you possibly can.

Even share our message about it on Facebook. Help us spread the word!

This bill would restrict abortion in cases where a detectable heartbeat is present and would greatly reduce the number of elective abortions performed in South Carolina. Governor McMaster has pledged to sign it into law - but first we have to help get it to his desk!

Help us show the strength of the pro-life movement in South Carolina!