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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 07:23 PM


First Published in 1994


In yet another hope to delegitimize the President, this past week the House Judiciary Committee approved a resolution providing guidelines on Presidential impeachment proceedings after much internal debate about how to proceed.

According to the Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), "the investigation will go well beyond the four corners of the Mueller report, and we will be starting with a first hearing on [Tuesday] September 17th…"

Tuesday’s hearing entitled “Presidential Obstruction of Justice and Abuse of Power” called on former Presidential staffers including, Corey Lewandowski, Rick Dearborn, and Robert Porter to attend. However, the White House Counsel Pat Cipollone sent a letter to the Committee informing them that Dearborn and Porter would not attend because of “constitutional immunity.” Lewandoski, Trump’s 2016 Campaign manager, was the sole witness.

In a laughable attempt to undermine the Mueller report findings, it was clear the Democrats were there to question Lewandowski’s involvement in determining the scope of the special counsel’s investigation. Lewandoski was correct when he said in his opening statement:

"It’s sad to say, the country spent over three years and 40 million taxpayer dollars on these investigations. It is now clear the investigation was populated by many Trump haters who had their own agenda — to take down a duly elected president of the United States…”

As if to prove this point, Nadler has already sent out 81 letters to those close to Trump in his effort to find any incriminating information. He is well on his way to spending even more taxpayer dollars and resources.

We can only hope that Democrats continue to drag out the impeachment proceedings and in doing so, prove to American voters that their Democratic Representatives are more concerned about running down rabbit holes instead of doing actual Congressional work. As House Speaker Nancy Pelosi correctly believes “…a failed bid to impeach Trump will embolden him during an election year...”