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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 11:21 AM


First Published in 1994


Washington, D.C. – Congressman Jeff Duncan (SC-03) released the following statement after Speaker Pelosi’s decision to open an impeachment inquiry: 

“There you have it folks – the witch hunt continues. The House Democrats are proceeding on impeachment against President Trump without any evidence of wrongdoing and against the will of the American people.

“They have spent the last three years trying to overturn an election that didn’t go their way by spinning fairy tales of Russian collusion and claiming they had evidence of it. Did they? No. There was no collusion and no obstruction. Now, in their continued efforts to remove President Trump from office, they are moving on to the next shiny object. If this accusation fails to achieve the opposition’s desired result, they’ll just keep trying with another issue.

“I’m glad that President Trump is releasing the unredacted transcript of his conversation with the President of Ukraine tomorrow so the American people can see exactly what was said. But the fact remains: it’s chilling to see an entire political party unify and back impeachment before the facts are revealed. That’s truly telling – they hate this President so much.

“The left and some extremely biased members of the mainstream media have perpetuated the Russian collusion hoax and now Ukraine in an incredibly irresponsible way. Report first – accuse first – fact-find later. Remember folks, in the words of Rep. Al Green, “I’m concerned that if we don’t impeach this President, he will get re-elected.” That’s what this is all about. They can’t stomach the thought of President Trump in the White House for four more years, so they are going to continue the mindless and unhinged witch hunts.

“Instead of helping the American people, Democrats have simply wasted everyone’s time. It’s just a shame they aren’t done yet. This is Trump Derangement Syndrome at its finest.”