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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 04:19 PM


First Published in 1994


Babies ProLife

She wasn't supposed to be pregnant. Not with one baby -- and certainly not with twins. When the abortion technician asked if she wanted to know the details, the fact that she was carrying two babies apparently wasn't important enough to share. It was hard enough to get women to abort one child. If Planned Parenthood told her she had two, they might just lose her business. So, the clinician lied, and a young mom who didn't know the truth about her own children decided to end their lives. But fortunately for her twins, her word wasn't the last one.

Usually, when a medical procedure fails, it's a disaster. In the case of a pregnant Tennessee woman, when the abortion failed it was a miracle. When she swallowed the abortion pills that were meant to end her baby's life, they didn't work. And 10 months later, she couldn't be happier. When it was obvious that something wasn't right, she went back to the Knoxville Planned Parenthood, who confirmed her suspicions: she was still pregnant. Panicking, she found the number of an abortion pill reversal hotline and called it. The man she eventually got a hold of helped save her babies' lives.

Now, Dr. Brent Boles is sharing her story -- not just as a cautionary tale about the abortion industry, but as a message of hope. Planned Parenthood did everything it could to trick this woman into a procedure that would have taken two lives and irreparably hurt another. But God had bigger plans.

When his patient, who has two healthy twins, asked if her baby had a heartbeat, the staffer carefully dodged the facts. At two months, she was told, there's "cardiac activity," but "it's too early to call it a heartbeat." "That's a load of hogwash," Boyes says. "If the heart's activity is visible, there is a heartbeat. There is no medical literature that says otherwise. Why would they handle it that way? Because acknowledging in layman's terms that there is a heartbeat makes the patient less likely to go through with the abortion. So, once again, they are willing to lie to women to get their money."

Lying is the backbone of the abortion industry -- and a lucrative one at that. It's part of the reason that Tennessee passed a law four years ago demanding a waiting period for abortions. They wanted moms-to-be to get real counseling before they came back two days later to get the procedure. They wanted them to know the truth -- the age of their baby, the alternatives to abortion, and the risks of it. Of course, groups like Planned Parenthood argued that pausing for 48 hours to think about this decision was an "emotional hardship." But in actuality, the law gives women what Planned Parenthood insists it supports: a real choice.

Turns out, Tennessee legislators were right. Time doesn't just heal -- it saves! Since 2015, when that law first went into effect, abortions have dropped six percent in the state. While the Left challenges the policy in court, researchers at Texas A&M are trying to determine exactly what impact the legislation has had. Thankfully, a lot. But don't expect liberal-leaning groups like Guttmacher to admit as much. When the news broke that American abortions in general had fallen by as much as 20 percent, the former research arm of Planned Parenthood was adamant that state laws weren't a factor. (Probably to stop pro-lifers from passing them!)

"The U.S. Abortion Rate Continues to Drop: Once again," Guttmacher's headline screamed, "State Abortion Restrictions Are Not the Main Driver." That's ridiculous, expert Michael New fired back on "Washington Watch." Almost 400 pro-life laws went into effect during that same timeframe -- all pushing back on the culture of death. "I think these falling numbers really show good evidence that we are, in fact, putting a culture of life in this country."

Why? Because Americans are electing pro-life leaders -- and those leaders are putting up a fight to protect women and children. Just look at the impact they've had in Tennessee. That six percent figure isn't just a statistic. Those are actual human beings, saved because people insisted that women don't just have the truth -- but time to think about it.

If you want to understand the difference a pro-life legislator can make, take a few minutes to watch this panel of heroes from VVS. In red states, blue states, and everything in between, these men and women are making a difference! Also, to understand where important laws stand in your region, don't miss FRC's new Pro-Life Map, detailing where the progress on abortion has been made -- and where more is needed!

Tony Perkins's Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.