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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 04:21 PM


First Published in 1994



WASHINGTON, D.C.—House Energy Action Team co-chairs Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) and Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.) joined House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) to applaud President Trump for beginning the process to formally withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement.

“I applaud President Trump for putting American families and workers first by officially withdrawing from the unworkable and reckless United Nations Paris Climate Accord. The unrealistic, liberal policies that make up this agreement hit low-income Americans the hardest by increasing energy costs and killing American jobs. Estimates show that the reduction in manufacturing necessary to comply with Paris Accord mandates would destroy up to 2.7 million jobs in the U.S. by 2025. Those jobs would go to exempt countries like China and India, who emit significantly more carbon than us now, and are allowed to increase their emissions through 2030 under the flawed terms of the agreement.

“America is already reducing carbon emissions through innovative technology coupled with strong environmental standards. The United States will continue to advance smart strategies that promote energy dominance and protect American jobs – especially the energy jobs that are so critical to our economy in Louisiana,” said Whip Scalise.

“The Trump Administration should be commended for putting America first and removing the United States from the flawed and misguided Paris Climate Accord. This accord placed burdensome and costly regulations on the United States that would halt all the free-market and technological advances that have helped our nation reduce total emissions by 68% since 1970 – a feat no other country has accomplished. This accord also placed strict, job-killing requirements on the United States while doing nothing to hold the biggest offenders of emissions accountable – China and Russia. Our nation will continue to lead the world in emission reduction through free-market advances, without tying the hands of American innovators through the ill-advised Paris Climate Accord,” said Rep. Duncan.

“Withdrawing from the job-killing Paris Climate Agreement is great news for the American people and I applaud President Trump for making this decision. The United States is already leading the world in reducing CO2 emissions and the Agreement does nothing to hold China and Russia, who are already some of the world’s largest polluters, accountable. We cannot have an effective climate policy that puts the United States at a disadvantage with our economic competitors,” said Rep. Mullin.