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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 08:22 PM


First Published in 1994


Sanford Back to Work after Spending Holiday with Family

SC Governor Mark SanfordGovernor Mark Sanford welcomed Attorney General McMaster’s call for a SLED investigation.

“We are pleased that SLED will look into this matter,” Gov. Sanford said. “There’s been a lot of speculation and innuendo on whether or not public moneys were used to advance my admitted unfaithfulness. To be very clear: no public money was ever used in connection with this. We believe the best way to put those questions to rest once and for all is for SLED to ask these questions, and we plan on cooperating fully.”

Sled reported that their review revealed no financial problems.

Joel Sawyer, the Governor’s spokesman commented following the SLED report:

“We’re pleased that SLED has concluded its review, which confirms what we’ve said from day one, no public money was used in relation to the governor’s admitted marital infidelity. This issue is behind us once and for all.

“Now that SLED has finished its review, we believe it appropriate to also release the governor’s personal travel records to the media, so that there can be full and complete disclosure and transparency.”

Senator Larry Grooms who is a Republican candidate for governor issued a statement following the release of the SLED report:

“I am greatly relieved to hear that SLED has completed theirreview and concluded that no laws were broken. I am hopeful that a review by the Ethics Commission will reach the same conclusion. Although I deplore Mark Sanford’s personal conduct in this matter, it is clearly time to move on from this unfortunate issue.

SC Sen. Larry Grooms ~ Photo by Bob Dill“The choice our state faces in the next election is now more important than ever. As conservative Republicans, we cannot allow ourselves to be distracted by Mark Sanford’s personal problems. Our cause of reforming state government and getting state spending under control must be our main concern: anything else is a distraction.”

State Representative Tommy Stringer who represents House District 18 that includes the Greer, Taylors, and Blue Ridge areas of northern Greenville County issued a statement on Friday, July 3rd.

“As an elected representative in the South Carolina House, I am pleased to learn that the SLED review of Gov. Sanford’s finances has not discovered evidence that he misused public funds during his various personal trips.

“I have been reluctant to join in the chorus demanding Gov. Sanford’s resignation. Please note that my reluctance should not be taken as an approval of his personal actions.

“We should remember that he is the elected head of the executive branch of our state government. He was elected by the people, not by the Legislature. If he has committed an impeachable offense, then it is a matter for the Legislature to address. If he has not, then it should be his decision to resign based on what he perceives to be in the best interest of the people of South Carolina and for his family.

“He has served the state well for six years as Governor and before that in Congress. Some people have not agreed with his stance on various issues. I have been a strong supporter of his desire to reform state government, but I have not agreed with him on every issue either.

“His public and personal actions have forced South Carolinians to determine the true meanings of confession, contrition and redemption. We are also forced to determine whether his personal moral failure invalidates the service that he has rendered to the people of South Carolina. These are hard deliberations that should be done in a prudent manner, not in a media generated frenzy.”

The Palmetto Family Council is encouraging its members and other South Carolinians to “Stand with Jenny and pray for the Sanfords.

“When a husband has an extra-marital affair, trust is broken. When the same husband ignores his wife’s request that the affair end, seeks every opportunity to see to the other woman, abandons his responsibilities to family and work, and then declares another his ‘soul mate,’ more than trust is broken.

“This has been Jenny Sanford’s life for the last five months … her life and countless unnamed other women (and men) like her. Today, many, like Jenny, are standing for their marriages and their children. Palmetto Family Council strongly supports all those who are remaining faithful to their marriage vows and to their parental responsibilities despite facing the worst pain outside of death.

SC Rep. Tommy Stringer. ~ Photo by Bob Dill“We hurt for them, and pray for reconciliation and restoration of the sacred vows of marriage.

“That’s why we need to stand up for Jenny Sanford and others just like her who are committed to the sanctity of marriage and the character of their children.

“Will you stand with Jenny Sanford? Will you pray for The First Family? Will you say to Jenny, ‘We applaud you and others in the same circumstances who are putting their families first’?”

The Palmetto Family Council urges South Carolinians to sign their petition and “Take a moment to join more than 1,000 people thus far who’ve made a stand for marriage. Tell South Carolina (and America) that you believe in marriage and family! Tell them, you stand with Jenny Sanford and will pray for the Sanford family.”

Governor Sanford was back on duty Monday after spending the Independence Day weekend with his family in Florida.

He met with Senator Lindsey Graham and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano in Charleston for a briefing on Project Seahawk aimed at protecting the Port against acts of terrorism. The briefing was not open to the public for security reasons.