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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 06:27 PM


First Published in 1994


Last week House Democrats announced two articles of impeachment against President Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

This whole process has been a Democratic show meant to show their “patriotism” and duty to protect the Constitution. As House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said in the press conference, “It is a matter of duty… the articles give us a chance to show that we defend the Constitution and that our [oath of office] means something to us.” This is ironic as President Trump wasn’t given a fair or unbiased trial. The proceedings began behind closed doors that were only open to Democrats and opened to the public and Republicans after much fuss and complaints. The evidence presented was nothing more than “he said, she said.”

There is no evidence in the cordial call to the president of Ukraine that the President violated any federal law in this conduct of foreign policy — or anywhere else. Under the Constitution, impeachment is a remedy to address the grave offenses of “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” No allegations approach this threshold.

On the morning of December 13, 2019, the House Judiciary Committee passed both articles of impeachment, paving the way for a vote on the House Floor. Republicans had no luck getting five amendments passed that would undermine the whole charade. As Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) said:

“This abuse of power doesn’t just undermine the integrity of our chamber or the independence of future presidencies. Democrats have sacrificed core American tenets of due process, fairness and the presumption of innocence on the altar of a 2016 election that they lost three years ago.”

Democrats have intentionally violated one of the hallmarks of the American Republic, the peaceful transfer of power! Please ask your Representative to vote NO on the articles of impeachment.