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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 06:30 PM


First Published in 1994


House Dems Succeed in Passing Legislation, Fail on Protecting Americans

US House of RepresentativesHappy to take the U.S. House, Democrats began the 116th Congress with zeal and a bold liberal agenda. Addressing corruption, slashing drug prices, fixing income disparity, and enacting legislation on climate change were all Democrat priorities going into 2019. In the past year:

  • The House passed R. 1The For the People Act, in February 2019. Democrats claimed the legislation reformed campaign finance, ethics laws, and expanded voting rights. In reality, this bill contained over 500 pages of overreaching federal government policies that will disenfranchise voters and make voter fraud more rampant if enacted into law.

  • The Raise the Wage Act, R. 582, was the Democratic attempt to boost the middle class by raising the federal minimum wage to $15/hour. In reality, a mandated minimum wage hurts the economy and incidentally, the employee.

  • House Democrats used socialist mechanisms in an attempt to lower drug prices. R. 3, or the Lower Drug Costs Now Act, lowers drug prices by forcing the Department of Health and Human Service’s Secretary (HHS) to negotiate prices with pharmaceutical companies on behalf of Medicare beneficiaries. It is also estimated that “H.R. 3 would reduce population health by 37.5 million to 100 million life-years over the next decade. In other words, H.R. 3 would reduce Americans’ average life expectancy by about four months.”

  • To address climate change, Democrats passed the Climate Action Now Act, R. 9. In reality this legislation was an attempt to undermine the President’s agenda. The Climate Action Now Act stops the President from completing the withdrawal from the Paris agreement by prohibiting federal funds contributing to these efforts. The bill also included language forcing the President to create a plan for how the U.S. will meet the strenuous and unrealistic pollution reduction goals agreed to in the Paris Agreement by President Obama.

All of these policies, and sadly many more too numerous to mention, will thankfully not pass the Republican-led Senate. And, most of the policies are merely for the sake of passing legislation as the Democrats promised.

As if to prove this point, Democrats also claimed to be the party of transparency and truth by making the House Floor like a “town hall” open to all Americans. Nancy Pelosi said in her opening remarks upon stepping up as House Speaker that “when we disagree, we respect each other and we respect the truth.” Democrats should take this statement to heart and look back at how they handled the President’s impeachment. In no manner did they seek to protect the truth. We can only hope that 2020 will be a better legislative year. In the meantime, we will continue to alert you about concerning legislation.