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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 08:16 PM


First Published in 1994


WASHINGTON -- The sit-in will take place on January 22, at 11:00 AM, which is the 47th Memorial of the landmark Roe v Wade Supreme Court Decision that "legalized" abortion.

The location is the Longworth House Office Building at 15 Independence Ave SE Washington, DC 20515. The group will hold a news conference first then march to Speaker Pelosi's office which is 1236 Longworth.

The event is called, #PurpleSashRevolution, and is sponsored by Stanton Public Policy Center which is a women's advocacy and educational movement that works on issues of human rights and justice that empower and inspire women. It is affiliated with Stanton Healthcare which has life-affirming women's health clinics in America and internationally.

Here is a link to the Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/441784576710063/

Participants will be wearing purple sashes to stand in solidarity with the early Suffragists who wore purple sashes demanding women have the right to vote as well as standing for human rights, justice and equality.

Since Roe v Wade, thousands of children have been born alive from late-term abortions and left to die. #PurpleSashRevolution is calling for Speaker Pelosi allow a vote on the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act" which will give federal protection to children born alive from late-term abortions.  Speaker Pelosi is refusing to allow a vote in the House of Representatives.

Brandi Swindell, Founder and CEO of Stanton Public Policy, states;

"We are going to Speaker Pelosi's office to call for an end to infanticide and allow a vote on protecting children born alive from late-term abortions. It is unconscionable that Speaker Pelosi is blocking Congress from voting on this critical human rights issue.

"Participants are wearing purple sashes to stand in solidarity with our founding sisters who heroically worked to empower and inspire women by securing the right to vote and strongly embracing human rights and equality. Suffragists like, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, stood against abortion and rejected the notion that abortion violence is a way to advance women's rights.

"#PurpleSashRevolution is following in the footsteps of Suffragist Susan B. Anthony who called women to 'Organize. Agitate. Educate.'"

For more information or interviews call:  Brandi Swindell at 208.867.1307
SOURCE Stanton Public Policy Center