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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 08:21 PM


First Published in 1994


Eagle Forum attends the March for Life

Tabitha Walter & Kirsten Hasler at the annual March for Life 2020
Tabitha Walter & Kirsten Hasler at the annual March for Life 2020

This Friday, Tabitha Walter and Kirsten Hasler joined with tens of thousands of pro-life supporters from across the nation at the annual March for Life. The event, themed “Life Empowers: Pro-Life Is Pro-Woman,” celebrated the centennial anniversary of the 19th Amendment or the woman’s right to vote.

While modern-day feminists are at odds with how a woman can be both pro-women and pro-life, many of the original suffragists recognized the inherent dignity of both a woman and her unborn child. Mary Wollstonecraft believed abortion derived out of a failure “to recognize the intrinsic value of women, as well as of the prevailing attitude that women should be objectified and subjugated by men.”

For too long women have been duped to believe there is no fulfillment in becoming a mother. We are told that without the right to “choose” we have no ability to climb the ranks or reach our goals. It’s either/or not both. In fact, there is no choice in being pro-choice. And, for these pro-choicers there is no dignity in being a mother.

Until we recognize the dignity in both mom and baby, we will continue to have 600,000 abortions a year.

Women have been led to believe that abortion is the only solution to their problems and carrying their child to full term will lead to more harm than good. This lie has devastated our country and stripped so many from the blessings these children would have had on our lives. It has left instead lingering loss and guilt.

Eagle Forum will continue to fight against measures, like the ERA, that allow unfettered access to abortion and in doing so hurt women. Being pro-life is being pro-women.