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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 10:27 PM


First Published in 1994


White House Budget Has Room for Improvement

The White House recently released their budget recommendations for the 2021 fiscal year. While both the House and Senate will ultimately set the government’s budget, both chambers will draw from the President’s proposal. The White House budget also gives us a glimpse into the Administration’s priorities for the year. Here are a few highlights of the budget proposal:

  • Includes a record-setting $4.4 trillion in spending cuts, with $1.9 trillion in cuts to non-defense discretionary programs.

  • Allocates $2 billion for the border wall and border security technology, infrastructure, and equipment to help prevent, detect, and interdict illegal border crossing.

  • Reforms Medicare and Social Security so that American seniors have more flexibility and options and helps reduce waste, fraud, and abuse.

  • Reduces the size and amount allocated to the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.)

While these reforms are good, the budget does have some shortfalls.  According to a Department of Labor press release on the budget, the document:

Includes a proposal to provide six weeks of paid parental leave to new parents, including adoptive parents. This proposal will allow states to establish paid parental leave programs in a way that is most appropriate for their workforce and economy and will give families time to recover from childbirth and bond with a new child.”

Make no mistake, this is the creation of yet another entitlement program funded by hard-working Americans and it is for all parents, not just government employees. While this looks good on paper and does allow states flexibility to run the program, employers should be the ones setting benefits for their employees, not government officials. The White House and Congress should instead be deregulating and minimizing barriers to entry. When this happens, businesses will gain capital and be able to financially provide their employees with benefits they desire, like paid family leave or flexible work schedules. It is ironic that Republicans tout spending “cuts” alongside the creation of another entitlement program.

Eagle Forum will track the appropriations process and keep you up-to-date on any issues that arise. We will continue to fight for a balanced budget and encourage our lawmakers to be fiscally responsible with our tax-payer money.