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Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - 09:55 PM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Four New Conservative Congressmen to join Joe Wilson and Senior Democrat James Clyburn in Washington

Nikki Haley will be the first woman governor of South Carolina as the winner of one of the most vicious elections in the Palmetto State’s history. The daughter of immigrants was the target of personal attacks that could not be proven true or false. Voters were led to believe that legally requested extensions in filing tax returns was somehow a failure to pay taxes, although it is routinely used by business and personal taxpayers each year.

As President Barack Obama danced with Indian children as part of his estimated $200 million a day visit to India, family and friends of South Carolina’s newly elected governor were dancing in the streets in Punjab Province celebrating her victory.

Wire services reported that the Haley victory in South Carolina was the top news story on Indian TV Stations. Although Haley was born in the United States, her parents were both from Punjab and their American daughter has made relatives, neighbors and the entire country proud.

Rep. Grasham Barrett lost to Haley in the Republican primary and some of his supporters never publicly endorsed the Haley campaign. Their absence from the scene created suspicions of being involved in the vicious last minute newspaper and TV ad attacks in the name of “conservatives for Truth in Politics” giving a post office box as an address.

Regardless of the election battles, the win by Haley has great historical significance, and if she is able to carry out the plans that she articulated during the campaign, South Carolina will be much the better.

One of the predictions prior to the election was that lawmakers will not work with Haley. If that is the case, their lack of cooperation will be at their own peril. Tea Party activists will be watching every vote in the House and Senate as well as activities in the committees. They have already targeted the four individuals, two in the house and two in the senate, who hold most of the power. If they do not work with the governor to do the people’s work, they will have opposition in the next election.

House Speaker Bobby Harrell has already gotten the message. A candidate for his Speaker job has already announced his candidacy. Harrell has already moderated his stand on some issues and will likely keep his position by pledging to work with the new governor.

The selection of  former House Speaker and Ambassador to Canada David Wilkins to head up the Sanford to Haley Transition Team is seen as a friendly gesture to establishment Republicans by the Governor Elect.

The election of Dr. Mick Zais as superintendent of education by one hundred thousand votes over Frank Holleman is a signal that the people of South Carolina are more than ready to change the education system in the Palmetto State. The bureaucratic money pit that is costing taxpayers $13,000 to $15,000 dollars a year per child in K-4 through grade 12 with little improvement in graduation rate or national ranking will improve under the leadership of Superintendent Zais. He is the first Superintendent in recent years committed to the education of children instead of preservation, growth and perpetuation of the education system. Governor Elect Haley and Zais are in agreement on what needs to be done to improve public education in South Carolina. Their task will not be easy. The NEA, National PTA and the Obama administration will be throwing roadblocks in the way of progress.

Ken Ard will be the new Lt. Governor and Alan Wilson will be Attorney General. Both defeated Democrat opponents by comfortable margins.

As expected, Sen. Jim DeMint won by a large margin with little effort. The fact that Democrat candidate for Senate Alvin Green got more than 300,000 votes speaks loudly about the voting patterns of dedicated Democrats in South Carolina.

The election of Republican Tim Scott to Congress from the First Congressional District will provide a high profile role model for Black voters who have conservative beliefs but in the past have felt uncomfortable joining Republicans. Tim Scott, a young man with high moral and ethical principles and a good understanding of government and business, may become the most conservative congressman from South Carolina and will definitely become a leader in Congress as he gains seniority. He will be South Carolina’s first Black GOP Congressman since Reconstruction and government imposed at the point of a bayonet under military occupation.

Trey Gowdy had no trouble overcoming his Democrat opponent in the General Election. Gowdy will replace Rep. Bob Inglis, a highly respected Congressman during three terms in Washington but lost his way and lost touch with his constituents during his last two terms in Washington. Gowdy has made a commitment to voters that he “may not be able to change Washington but that Washington will not change him.” Voters of the Fourth Congressional District will be watching. No longer will they believe what a candidate says and trust him or her to keep their word.

Jeff Duncan had a close primary victory in the Third Congressional District, but had no trouble beating the Democrat and third party candidates in the General Election.

State Senator Mick Mulvaney defeated South Carolina’s longest serving Congressman John Spratt the House Democrat Budget chief with nearly 30 years service. This gives the GOP 5 of the state’s 6 seats in Congress.

Congressman Jim Clyburn won his election over a Republican challenger. He spent $3 million to his GOP opponent’s $23,000 to win the election. Clyburn is the Democrat’s House “whip” under the direction of Speaker Nancy Pelosi.