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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 10:24 PM


First Published in 1994


Washington Eyeing Second Corona Deal

Last week, Congress passed, and the President signed into law, H.R. 6074, or The Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2020.

coronavirusWhile the White House had asked for $2.5 billion, the legislation totaled about $8.3 billion to combat the coronavirus. Specifically, more than $4 billion was allotted for diagnostic tests, treatments, and to help develop and disseminate a vaccine. The Centers for Disease Controls (CDC) was given $2.2 billion to help prevent, prepare, and respond to the disease. The package also included funds to help protect and care for Americans abroad, as well as get them back home, and some disaster assistance loans for small businesses hit by the sickness.

Republicans fought hard to prevent Democrats from rolling in pieces of their radical drug pricing legislation H.R. 3, or The Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act, into the supplemental package. The legislation passed the House in December but has failed to make its way to the Senate Floor. It seems Democrats are attempting to use Corona to get their priorities signed into law.

While Corona continues to spread around the globe, the World Health Organization categorized the sickness as a pandemic. And, President Trump unexpectantly addressed the nation from the Oval Office Wednesday evening. In an informative speech he outlined a few steps the nation will be undertaking to help prevent its spread. Specifically, there will be a travel restriction for European nationals into the US for the next 30 days and he will take an emergency action to financially help some Americans. Additionally, President Trump asked Congress to increase funds available for small business loans, implement a payroll tax cut, and defer tax payments for some entities and individuals.

Meanwhile, both Chambers are working on another Corona supplemental. According to Steven Dennis, a Bloomberg Reporter, Senator Schumer has a proposal that includes “six months forbearance on federal student loans, mortgages, disaster grants; SBA grants; transit assistance; rental, mortgage payment assistance; grants for child care centers. PLUS paid sick leave, etc.”

Instead of throwing around taxpayer money like it’s readily available, Congress needs to ensure that the country is prepared to prevent and treat the potential epidemic through line items like funding more tests and vaccines, not helping people pay their student loans. Eagle Forum is hopeful Republicans in the House and Senate, as well as the President, will reject any package that is full of Democrat pork that doesn’t actually do anything to help curb the disease. As of today, the Administration and Congress had yet to reach a deal.

We encourage you to follow Eagle Forum on Twitter and Facebook for the most up-to-date information on the second Corona package.