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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 10:25 PM


First Published in 1994


Just as panicked Americans were buying up all toilet paper supplies, Congress was sloppily rushing to pass a Coronavirus relief bill.  After negotiations between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Secretary of Treasury Steve Mnuchin, the House passed the bloated Families First Coronavirus Response Act (H.R. 6201). To no surprise, Democrats used this legislation to add long-term provisions that extend the government’s reach into our lives and flush our economy down the toilet.

Instead of freeing up businesses during this time, this bill creates additional mandates and regulations. Small businesses will be forced to provide 14 weeks paid sick leave to their employees, but big businesses are let off the hook. The government has promised a tax credit to compensate these businesses, but it does not fully cover their expenses.

That is only one of the problems in the bill. In fact, Democrats are drafting technical corrections as we speak accumulating to upwards of 86 pages.

Congress received the text of this bill only an hour before they cast their vote, yet they still moved it forward. Now, they want the Senate to “fix” it. 

The Senate should pump the brakes and focus solely on measures specifically to the fallout of the Coronavirus like manufacturing tests, producing vaccines, proper healthcare measures for Americans, and temporary protocols for American workers and businesses. Additionally, they must take time to read the bill and strip out the gross overreach of the federal government. 

Please contact your Senators to ask them to stop the massive government overreach of H.R. 6201.

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