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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 12:21 AM


First Published in 1994


Mexican village in the background. Everything is stolen at night that is not secured. They steal the very expensive batteries out of the heavy equipment. This is considered the Lukeville crossing.
Mexican village in the background. Everything is stolen at night that is not secured. They steal the very expensive batteries out of the heavy equipment. This is considered the Lukeville crossing.

As we wake up this morning here in the cross roads community of Why, Arizona we are facing the prospects of a travel ban in Arizona. Dear readers we are enjoying the fruits of open borders that the liberals in this country have been pushing on us for years.

Open borders are what we are are experiencing the fruits of today as we fight the virus that is ravening our nation. Jan and I live less than a quarter mile from a large Border Patrol station in our area. The last administration had rules in place that anyone caught crossing had to be released after checking them out. 

Subsequently every expectant woman from Central America that could get across Mexico was coming to the Stated to have their child so it could be an anchor baby and a citizen of this country. The mother and child were immediately put on welfare for a lifetime.

Open borders also saw hoards of people coming here, leaving their native countries, because they have been taken over by the drug cartels and common thugs. Most of these countries,as does Mexico, have strict gun control where only thugs and drugs lords have access firearms. Believe me not everyone that crosses the border is looking for a better life for themselves. Many of the crosser's are human traffickers plying their trade on the weakest and those most trusting of others. The MS 13 gang members and other that live on the fringes civilization. 

The most deadly are the drug smugglers that kill thousands of Americans every year. These people are destroying the very fabric that that the industrialized western world is made of. Jan and I work with the Native Americans in Arizona and we see first hand the damage that illicit drugs do not only to Native people but also to the general population. This is what open borders and gun control will do to honest working people. 

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