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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 02:24 AM


First Published in 1994


KNOXVILLE, Tenn. -- Thousands of complaints have been filed in the state of Tennessee against law enforcement officers using excessive force, with no end in sight.

 On December 30, 2010, Christian missionary George Raudenbush was brutally beaten and barely escaped with his life. The individual responsible for the assault, Brian Millsaps, a City of Tellico Plains Police Officer. According to public records, Mr. Millsaps has a past documented history of using excessive force, having federal complaints filed against him, was charged with theft of city property, as well as reckless operation of a police vehicle. He was discharged from the Monroe County Sheriff's Department for violation of department policy. Mr. Millsaps also has had three separate failed marriages during the course of his public rampage of abuse of authority. See release at Christian Newswire.

 What happens next is completely shocking. The Monroe County Sheriff's Department hires Brian Millsaps back and gives him a promotion! Mr. Raudenbush, as a result of the malicious attack is permanently physically disabled from head trauma and spinal injury. " I was attacked that night because I was bringing African American Youth Groups into Monroe County to perform mission work in the community, I was told to stop bringing in these groups by sheriff department officials and I didn't." See summary brief.

 Mr. Raudenbush petitioned Governor Bill Haslam Office in 2018 about the coverup and abuses in Monroe County Tennessee however, the Tennessee Board of Parole obstructed Mr. Raudenbushs petition form ever reaching Governor Haslams Office according to the governor's former chief legal counsel, Dwight Tarawater.

 In August of 2019, Mr. Raudenbush again petitioned the governor's office asking newly elected Governor Bill Lee, whom Mr. Raudenbush voted for, to hear his petition and conduct an investigation. No such investigation was conducted according to Mr. Raudenbush and reflected by public records and no relief was granted. See summary brief.

 Representative Justin Amash of Michigan sent out a letter to his colleagues introducing the Ending Qualified Immunity Act to eliminate qualified immunity and restore Americans' ability to obtain relief when police officers violate their constitutionally secured rights.

 Mr. Raudenbush spends his days in physical therapy under the Americans with Disabilities Act and he continues helping others in his limited capacity.

 Investigative Reporter Sharon Rondeau at The Post & Email has extensively covered Mr. Raudenbush's story since 2010.