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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 04:18 AM


First Published in 1994


ORLANDO -- Trumpaign.com an independent, pro-trump Facebook page burst onto the scene on Sunday, June 21st – just in time to highlight the 45th President’s historic TRUMP Rally in Tulsa, OK viewed by millions and a TRUMP BOAT PARADE, where thousands took to the waters in the Space-Coast of Florida, both on the same day.

The page celebrates the phenomenon known as “TRUMPAIGNING.” That is, the overwhelming, grass-roots support to reelect President Trump bubbling up from communities all around the country. “Trumpaigners” are not political professionals, talking heads, paid commentators, or election strategists. Instead, they’re ordinary Americans enthused by the success Donald Trump has brought America over the past 3 1/2 years – and they want to see it continue for another term. And all over the United States they’re showing that enthusiasm at self-organized and welcoming community events.

Already, Trump fans from every walk of life are coming to the page to get inspired about the myriad of like-minded voters working toward a victory on November 3rd, 2020. The page currently features videos, stories from numerous reputable new outlets, and home-spun campaign ads – all of which point to the ground-swell of support the President enjoys nationwide. Highlights like these are often ignored by conventional media. But one look at Trumpaign.com and you’ll realize that no matter what you’re not hearing from mainstream sources, pro-Trump sentiments are higher than ever. The battle for the heart of America is at stake and all hands are needed on deck.

The time is now, for every American that loves this great country to do their part where they live. From either a small rural town to a large city. Get connected, plan or be a part of a parade on land or sea for the next 4th of July, GET READY TO BRING IT.

If you need some ideas or how to connect in your area, send us an email. Please be sure to LIKE and SHARE the page. You can learn more at Trumpaign.com  or by writing to our team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.