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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 04:16 AM


First Published in 1994


The Democratic-led House Majority has certainly wasted no time legislating bad policy in the month of June while the nation is distracted by civil unrest and the Coronavirus. While attempting to punish police through so-called reformsocializing healthcare, and cramming the Green New Deal into an infrastructure bill, the Democrats found time to introduce and pass an unconstitutional D.C. statehood bill, H.R. 51.

As Eagle Forum’s founder Phyllis Schlafly warned of D.C. statehood:

“Another attempt to bypass the U.S. Constitution without amending it in the legitimate way is the devious plan to subvert the District Clause (Article I, Section 8, clause 17). This clause makes clear that the District of Columbia is not a state or a congressional district, and that Congress has the power “To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States.”

Our Constitution’s framers decided on a separate and independent federal enclave to serve as the seat of the new government, a territory outside of and independent from every state. The delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 gave Congress complete authority over the District so that it would be insulated from undue pressures and interruptions.

This means that the District of Columbia does not have its own Senators and Representatives. That decision was not a mistake or oversight on the part of the Founding Fathers, but was an integral part of the original constitutional design to keep the seat of our Federal Government out of the political process so that it would remain the servant of all the people, and not become our master.”

Yet, the supporters of H.R. 51 failed to recognize and understand the importance of this guidance set up by our Framers, instead shifting the focus to a lack of representation in the House and Senate.

As Speaker Nancy Pelosi said of the effort:

“… for Americans across the country, the sacred right to vote has faced a cruel, relentless assault from the GOP’s mass disenfranchisement agenda, which disproportionately impacts communities of color and working families who already face suppression of their voices.  These relentless, brazen efforts to turn back the clock and erect barriers to the ballot box is an affront to our Constitution and our values.”

Republican members introduced a Motion to Recommit (MTR), which allows the Minority Party the opportunity to modify a bill. The MTR, which failed 182-227, would condition D.C. Statehood on the following requirements:

  • No Defunding of Police
  • Prohibition on Autonomous Zones and Obstruction of Law Enforcement
  • Protection of National Monuments and Memorials
  • Ban on the Use of Taxpayer Funds for Campaign
  • Guarantee of 2nd Amendment Rights
  • No Sanctuary City Status
  • Continued Participation in the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program

The Democrats’ unwillingness to accept these terms and then pass the legislation on party lines is proof this isn’t about representation. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is correct when he pointed out that D.C. statehood is an attempt to change the makeup of the House and Senate to lean more Democratic.

Eagle Forum is thankful that the Senate has no plans to consider H.R. 51. It is of the utmost importance that our legislators continue to fight this effort and defend the Constitution.

In this week's Capitol Hill Report, we provide an update on the Supreme Court's decision to strike down a Louisiana law requiring abortion doctors to have hospital admitting privileges and the passage of a D.C. statehood bill that passed in the House of Representatives.

June Medical Services LLC v. Russo. In this disappointing 5-4 decision, the Court ruled against a Louisiana law requiring abortion doctors to have hospital admitting privileges.

SCOTUS Affirms Abortion as a Constitutional Right