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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 04:21 AM


First Published in 1994


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has vowed to pass a fourth Coronavirus spending bill even if she has to cancel August recess to do so. This must be stopped.

The first three Coronavirus packages have added billions to the already $1.8 trillion deficit.  Each bill was passed quickly, silencing the public’s input. This is the time to get ahead of another terrible bill. 

The previous “stimulus” bills were full of Democrat pork like bailouts for special interest groups.  Many of these groups espouse anti-American sentiments and want to destroy the American values that we hold dear. They should not be propped up by our federal government. 

Shortly after the passage of these bills, federal loans intended for small businesses were quickly siphoned to big corporations who found loopholes in the program. One of these corporations was the abortion giant Planned Parenthood.

Now, we have a crisis of people not returning to their jobs even though they can.  Democrats expanded unemployment payouts to $600 per week resulting in many employees not returning to their jobs because the government is paying them more! That policy is set to expire on July 31st.  As an alternative, some are advocating for a cap on individual benefits at 100 percent. This will still achieve the same results and is unfair to those who are working.  Allowing any renewal of unemployment expansions would be irresponsible. 

President Trump has pushed forward efforts to allow states to make their own decisions, removed the regulatory burden that oppress businesses, and enacted tax relief to help Americans flourish. These are the principles that allow our economy to thrive, not extreme spending.

Additionally, Congress could enact policies to give you a holiday from your taxes for the rest of the year.  Social Security and Medicare take about 7.5 percent of your paycheck with employers fronting the costs of another 7.5 percent. Halting those actions would be a two-fold solution to financial relief.

President Trump needs to hear this from you!

Call or email the President today to encourage him to veto any new spending!

White House Switchboard: 202-456-1414