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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 06:25 AM


First Published in 1994


Joe Biden

Former Vice President and current Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has unveiled his feminist plans for women if he were to take office.  Although he has given the American people plenty of reasons to vote against him in November, this may be the final nail in the coffin.

Biden’s promises seem like a page out of Hillary Clinton’s playbook. He states, “Women-particularly women of color- have never had a fair shot in this country.” This assertion is wildly untrue.  Women have made great advances in the home, workforce, and in society for decades.  Laws like the Equal Opportunity Act, the Equal Employment Opportunity Discrimination Act, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, and the Equal Pay Act have given women legal protections.  Instead of celebrating the many roles of women, Democrats only want to further a victimhood mentality in order create the illusion that they are championing solutions.

https://i2.wp.com/eagleforum.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Biden2.jpg?resize=350%2C175&ssl=1 350w" data-lazy-loaded="1" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" width="640" height="320">

Biden has always been a staunch supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).  He even brags that he sponsored ERA legislation nine times. If he were to become President, he would fight to enshrine the ERA into the Constitution permanently by encouraging Congress to recognize Virginia as the 38th state to ratify the ERA.  This is an egregious disregard of the original deadline in 1979. If Biden is willing to ignore the rule of law on the ERA, he will ignore other laws that protect the American people.

Although this document seems to be specific toward women, Biden slips in free college and student debt forgiveness for men too. This would come out of the American workers’ pockets.  Much like the false ERA narrative that creates women-specific rights, many of these policies provide handouts to men as well.

It’s no surprise that Biden is now all-in on taxpayer funded abortion at any stage for any reason.  He promises to use the federal government to stop states’ rights on abortion, restore funding to Planned Parenthood that they willingly withdrew from, reinstate the Mexico City Policy, and restore the contraceptive mandate without religious exceptions.  This would completely dismantle the pro-life progress that President Trump has achieved over the last four years.

Biden has several emotional talking points on race, gender, and children that if acted on, would only further the destruction of families.  Broad generalizations like making his political appointees, nominees, and federal workforce “look like the country they serve” only places a number on people rather than choosing them based on their skills and abilities.

Another talking point, the “gender wage gap”, is a skewed idea that women should make more money when in reality, they are making choices for their families. He solidifies his ideas of forcing all women into the workforce by funneling large amounts of federal money into childcare.  While he claims that this would make childcare more affordable and supportive to childcare workers, his institution of a high minimum wage would only drive up the costs.

Biden has no qualms about putting sexual orientation and gender identity language in our nation’s laws. He plans to use our taxpayer money to fund hormone therapy and transition surgeries for those with gender-dysphoria.  This, among other policies, would erase biological women, furthering the notion that a man can have access to any unique rights that a woman has.

While Biden’s wish list may seem like lofty goals, make no mistake that Democrats will work hard to make these policies happen.  A President Joe Biden would destroy the values and freedoms that we as Americans enjoy.

Eagle Forum is working diligently to fight against these policies and endorsing candidates that do the same.  To see who we have endorsed so far, visit our endorsement page.  If you are running for a Congressional seat and espouse the values that Eagle Forum represents, please fill out our Candidate Questionnaire.