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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 06:26 AM


First Published in 1994


The Republican National Convention went off without a hitch this week. The day that the convention kicked-off, President Trump released his second term agenda. The President’s simple priorities touched on many of the cultural and policy issues that Americans are facing today. Some of the promises he espouses include ending our reliance on China, defending the police, putting America first, and draining the swamp among others.

While it seems there are some glaring omissions such as life and Constitutional freedoms, this is not meant as a comprehensive list. It works hand-in-hand with the Republican Party’s platform. In light of drastic COVID-19 restrictions, the Republican National Committee (RNC) decided to continue the 2016 Platform into 2021. This platform has been touted as the most conservative one in history endorsed by both Phyllis Schlafly and President Trump. We couldn’t have asked for a better document to represent conservatives despite the unique situation.

As the most pro-life President to-date, he has cut funding for abortions domestically and abroad, protected conscience rights, defended the Hyde amendment which forbids taxpayer-funded abortions, and has made appearances at the March for Life. During the Convention, former abortionist turned pro-life advocate Abby Johnson went to bat for President Trump’s record on life. She stated:

“These elections are a choice between two radical anti-life activists and the most pro-life president we’ve ever had…I support President Trump because he’s done more for the unborn than any other President.”

President Trump’s position on our Constitutional freedoms is solid. For example, he has fought to protect our right to free speech when Conservatives have been silenced by cancel culture, social media platforms, and universities. He has championed religious freedom by protecting prayer in school, partnering with international religious freedom organizations, and giving power to religious organizations to make a difference in their communities. Additionally, our nation’s courts, including the Supreme Court, are much more conservative due to the hundreds of Constitutionally principled judges confirmed from the President’s list of nominees.

These issues are far from absent in his campaign. They have been consistently weaved into the daily actions of the Trump administration.

Phyllis Schlafly’s foresight into President Trump’s 2016 campaign proved fruitful. Her endorsement carried the weight of American families that wanted to keep their freedoms and thrive as citizens of the greatest nation in the world. He has exceeded our expectations and kept his promises. Eagle Forum looks forward to continuing our work alongside him for another four years.