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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 08:16 AM


First Published in 1994


This week both Chambers are scheduled to resume the 116th legislative session. After a turbulent past six months of negotiations and deals surrounding Coronavirus legislation, it’s sure to be another busy couple of months leading to the November election. To summarize what has happened in Washington so far, we want to share a few of the session’s highlights.

From the start of the 116th, the House prided itself as one of the most progressive-leaning Congress’. Its radical and leftist agenda pushed through partisan legislation, most of which, thankfully, hasn’t found its way to the Senate. So far, these bills have:

While this is not an exhaustive list of the harms that have come out of Pelosi’s House, most of Eagle Forum’s legislative action alerts the past year and a half have been in response to her leadership. A more detailed list can be viewed here.

On a more positive note, President Trump has done a lot to help the nation and combat harmful ideologies perpetuated by far-left extremists. He has not only kept his campaign promises but has been quick to act when new situations occur. President Trump has:

  • Defended life for babies in the womb by reinstating the Mexico City Policy which bans abortion promotion overseas, protecting conscience rights, defending the Hyde amendment ensuring no taxpayer funding of abortions, and cutting funds to Planned Parenthood.
  • Made combatting human trafficking a priority of his administration by devoting resources toward its eradication domestically and abroad, expanding the voice of survivors, and provided over $35 million in Department of Justice grants toward the reintegration of survivors into society.
  • Significantly increased America’s energy independence by pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord, prioritizing fossil fuels, and deregulation.
  • Upheld the rule of law by prosecuting violent rioters and looters who destroy monuments and communities.
  • Appointed over 200 federal judges including 2 Supreme Court Justices that have been confirmed by the Senate.
  • Cracked down on illegal immigration by building over 100 miles of border wall, tightening loopholes in visa programs, and rescinding the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA) program.

There are so many more accomplishments not highlighted here. The leadership that President Trump exudes has helped the economy thrive, maintained America’s dominance, and protected the family unit.

The 116th Congress and the President’s term have certainly been busy. We will continue to keep you up-to-date on policies and legislation that impact you and your livelihood.