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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 08:17 AM


First Published in 1994


MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Black prolife leaders, including Walter Hoye and Alveda King, are gathering in Montgomery, Alabama today in support of Life Legal's petition to protect black children from abortion. Life Legal filed the petition with the Alabama Supreme Court this morning, arguing that black children deserve equal protection under the law.

Today, September 22, marks the anniversary of the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, which challenged the legal status of slaves and committed the resources of the U.S. government to "recognize and maintain" the freedom of blacks in America.

Alabama's Constitutional Amendment 930 recognizes and supports the sanctity of life and the rights of unborn children, including the right to life, and ensures "the protection of the rights of the unborn child." Amendment 930 passed by an overwhelming margin—nearly 60% of voters agreed that preborn babies' lives matter.

But state officials have failed to enforce Amendment 930. As a result, more than 15,000 unborn children perished by abortion in the two years since the Amendment was passed. Most of those are black babies. Over 60% of abortions in the state are committed on black children—yet blacks make up just under 27% of the total population of Alabama. Black children are over three times more likely to be aborted than children of other races.

This is not an accident.

The abortion industry is rooted in racism and eugenics. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger launched her "Negro Project" to suppress the birth rate among those she deemed "unfit," including Black Americans. Planned Parenthood claims it no longer adheres to the eugenic practices of its founders. Why then does PP continue to target black children by placing most of its abortion mills in black communities? Why did it choose Birmingham, Alabama as the site of its latest "mega-clinic"—a city whose population is over 70% black?

Planned Parenthood is founded on the idea that only "planned" or "wanted" children are deserving of legal protection. But this grossly disparate treatment of "planned" and "unplanned" or "wanted" and "unwanted" children violates equal protection laws. This injustice is further compounded by the reality that black children are more likely to be deemed "unwanted" in a system that has historically discriminated against them.

To understand the racial component in this discriminatory treatment, one need only look to comments by Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who, in a 2009 interview, acknowledged the link between Roe v. Wade and population growth, "particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of."

"Life Legal is asking the Court to prohibit discrimination against preborn black children and to enforce Alabama's Constitution," said Life Legal CEO Alexandra Snyder. "Amendment 930 clearly affords equal protection to all children in Alabama—born and unborn—regardless of race."

Writ Petition Link

About Life Legal Defense Foundation
Life Legal Defense Foundation was established in 1989, and is a nonprofit organization composed of attorneys and other concerned citizens committed to giving helpless and innocent human beings of any age, and their advocates, a trained and committed voice in the courtrooms of our nation. For more information about the Life Legal Defense Foundation, visit 