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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 08:22 AM


First Published in 1994


MADISON, Wis. -- Some Republican senators introduced a bill making it a violation of federal civil rights law if schools allow male transgender athletes to compete as girls.

The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act would stop biological males from competing as girls or lose federal funding.

Senator Kelly Loeffler of Georgia is the bill's lead sponsor. Four other Senators co-sponsored the bill: Mike Lee of Utah, Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, James Lankford of Oklahoma, and Tom Cotton of Arkansas.

In 2003, 4 WINDS USA President Steve McConkey started fighting against the International Olympic Committee's transgender policies. He was the only one who stood against this publicly.

From there, the transgender movement spread to state high schools, the NCAA, NFL, NBA, and MLB. Steve has fought this LGBT agenda every step of the way.

"We applaud the Senators for making common sense decisions," states McConkey. "Only 28% of Americans favor transgender athletes competing as women. Society has shifted so far left that Title IX is being distorted to mean something never intended. We need to pray for our elected officials and that this wrong would be corrected."

McConkey tried to sue the International Olympic Committee before the 2016 Olympics in Rio. He was concerned that intersex athletes (not transgender) would sweep the 800 meters. That is exactly what happened as they were allowed to have high testosterone levels.

The Olympics are postponed until next summer. After the Olympics, they plan to make it tougher for transgender athletes to compete by lowering testosterone levels down to 5 nanomoles instead of 10. They have already done so for intersex athletes.

Founded in 1988, 4 WINDS USA stands up worldwide for Christian athletes and provides 4W NEWS (4WindsUSA.com). Starting in world-class track and field ministries in 1981, Steve and Liz McConkey have worked through nine Olympics. In 2013, McConkey started standing up worldwide for Christian athletes in all sports. He was a successful USA National Track and Field Club Coach (82-92) and has ran over 68,000 miles.

McConkey graduated with honors from Western Kentucky University (Master of Public Health), Minnesota State University, Mankato (BS-Community Health), and Webster High School (WI). They have lived in Eugene, Dallas-Fort Worth, Minneapolis-St. Paul, and now Madison, Wisconsin. McConkey was born in Des Moines, Iowa before moving to NW Wisconsin after the sixth grade.