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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 08:20 AM


First Published in 1994


Vote Against Communist Dems

RICHMOND, Va. -- One year ago, a group of conservative leaders was convened by Bishop E.W. Jackson to discuss the Democrat Party's connections with Marxist and communist influences including Antifa, Black Lives Matter and the Chinese Communist Party. They formed the STAND Against Communism ("SAC") Super PAC.

The group includes: Jerome Corsi, investigative journalist; Clare Lopez, retired CIA operations officer; Trevor Loudon, author, filmmaker and researcher on communist subversion, and Robert Knight, former news editor and writer for the Los Angeles Times who now writes commentary for The Washington Times.

The first ad highlights Joe Biden's ties to Chinese Communist Party leadership.

"Joe Biden calls the Chinese Communist Party 'good folks' and ignores their brutality against Chinese citizens, persecution of religious minorities, espionage, theft of U.S. intellectual property and their unleashing COVID-19 on the world," Bishop Jackson says.

Clare Lopez, who coordinates the ad campaign, says, "Marxism is being mainstreamed through the Democrat Party. As a result, America's businesses, media and schools are heavily influenced by it. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris support the Marxist agenda of their party, and we're exposing this very real threat to our Constitution."

Jerome Corsi has written a book on the extreme shift of the Democrat Party. "The Democratic Party has taken a radical left turn toward Communism," Corsi argues. "They endorse Black Lives Matter and Antifa, but reject freedom of religion, speech and the right to bear arms. They are acting like Bolsheviks."

SAC strongly supports President Trump. "We are tired of hearing the lie from Democrats that this President is a threat to the country. It is they, with their ties to anti-American, anti-Christian, pro-communist radicals, who pose a threat to our Constitution and way of life."

This first ad was published on Wednesday, September 30th. Another will appear on Friday, with two per week to follow until the election. Bishop Jackson, Ms. Lopez, and Messrs. Knight, Corsi and Loudon are available for press interviews.

Paid for by the SAC PAC, which neither has ties to nor coordinates with the Trump campaign.


SOURCE STAND Against Communism