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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 08:18 AM


First Published in 1994


SAN DIEGO, Calif. -- www.BiblicalVoter.com is a one-source destination for Judeo-Christian voter guides and election tools. The website is a collection of local, state and national voter guides along with tools that make voting in the November 2020 election simple.

What makes Biblical Voter unique is that it brings all the best-of-the-best voting resources together on one site. Voter guides are compiled for every state from top national providers including iVoterGuide, Eagle Forum, My Faith Votes, Catholic Vote, and more, along with regional selections, as available.

The home page presents an easy-to-use menu of selections starting with voter guides, voter registration, election videos, party-platform comparisons, polling locations, legal dos and don'ts for churches, and pastors can even find pre-written election speeches and sermons, all in one convenient location. For new registrations, Dran Reese, President of Biblical Voter, developed an attractive, easy-to-set-up Biblical Voter Registration Kit. She said, "We trademarked the word biblical with voter registration to make it simple for churches to understand that voting is biblical and essential."


The website also provides relevant scriptures, talking points and guides for pastors and leaders to share that encourage biblical voting. As one example, Bishop Art Hodges, Superintendent of So. Cal District of United Pentecostal Church International, created a useful guide called, "60+ Contrasts That Tip the Scales of Justice - Historical, Constitutional, and Moral Contrasts of the Two Major Parties." This guide compares the two major political Parties. For example, "One mentions Faith 26x, the other 11x" and, "One Party Platform believes that sanctity of life is an inalienable right, opposes euthanasia, and assisted suicide; the other doesn't."

Biblical Voter was developed for those who tend to make last-minute voting decisions or select candidates based on personal appeal. The goal is to marry faith to the vote and increase the value of understanding how critical one single vote can be to election outcomes. A visitor to the site comments, "I am so grateful to have this resource and I'm sharing it with others. I used to have to go back and forth between multiple websites or paper guides to fill out my ballot and you have put it all in one place!"

For voters searching for the best and most shareable resources that align with God's non-negotiable moral values, visit www.BiblicalVoter.com.