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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 08:17 AM


First Published in 1994


FORT WORTH, Texas -- On November 30, 2020 is released a Lawyer's Proclamation in Support of a Fair and Equal Election. The Proclamation asserts that Joseph Biden did not receive more legal votes in the six dispositive swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia. Further, while the U.S.A. as we know it now hangs in the balance, the state legislatures in those six swing states must intervene for the President, and in doing so they will have fulfilled their constitutional duty. Attorneys can sign the Proclamation at www.lawyersproclamation.website.

State legislatures have a constitutional duty to intervene on behalf of the President; this Proclamation shows state legislators that they have full support from attorneys, who understand the actual legal and historical arguments. The Supreme Court of the United States held in McPherson v. Blacker that "The appointment of these electors [for the electoral college] is thus placed absolutely and wholly with the legislatures of the several states." This type of intervention seems repugnant to many, but the Proclamation captures the spirit of States' rights. It should be remembered that Senators were once chosen by the legislatures. And state legislature intervention was anticipated by the Framers, to prevent foreign meddling and to protect the will of the people. And it is not the case that the will of the people will be overturned here, if state legislatures intervene. The will of the people is that Donald Trump continue to be President.

The Proclamation demands six remedies, one of which is for the state legislatures in Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to convene, for the purpose of remediating the unconstitutional election rules changes that occurred pre-election, and for delegating the electors with the responsibility of voting for Donald J. Trump due to election fraud.

The Proclamation coincides with how state legislatures are beginning to be utilized in the electoral process to vet the 2020 election results and move towards remediation. The Proclamation facilitates the members of the six state legislatures to exercise their duty to preserve the Republic.

Attorneys are asked to read the Proclamation, sign it, and then distribute it to others. Thereafter legislators should be contacted and encouraged to take whatever legislative action is necessary to delegate the electors to act on behalf of President Trump.

SOURCE Kevin R. Novak