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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 06:24 AM


First Published in 1994


On this New Year’s Eve, we urge you to take action one more time this year to defend our nation from rampant corruption. The fraud, censorship, and deception seem overwhelming, but you can fight back by speaking the truth and urging your legislators to do likewise.

 We are so thankful for bold and courageous leaders like Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-5) and Senator Josh Hawley (MO) who are taking a stand to stop the media, big tech, and other cultural elites from disenfranchising the American people, as they have vowed to object to electors from embattled states during the joint session on January 6, 2021.

 As Senator Hawley said yesterday in announcing his plan to object to electors, “We cannot sit down and shut up!” 

 The media has been priming the American people to acquiesce to their fraudulent scheme since the 2016 election, by, out of nowhere, consistently accusing Donald Trump of being unwilling to accept the results of the election even before the election took place. They declared Joe Biden the winner in 2020 and have ignored and ridiculed overwhelming evidence of blatant fraud. 

 They keep repeating the mantra that there is no evidence of election fraud, even though ordinary citizens have filed hundreds of affidavits attesting to blatant fraud and illegal activity related to the November 3rd election. The U.S. Senate and multiple states have held hearings at which overwhelming evidence of fraud was revealed, yet the liberals and weak-kneed Republicans continue to ridicule anyone who dares to speak the truth. These elitists insist that the matter has been litigated. This is also completely untrue.  Courts have repeatedly dismissed challenges, refusing to allow the presentation of evidence. This is not litigation; this is abdication.

 Now is the time for us to stand behind those brave men and women in Congress who are willing to stand up for the American people despite the overwhelming pressure, threats, and ridicule from the media and even their colleagues in their own Party. Please take a few minutes to contact your Senators and Congressman by clicking below. Also, please share this message with your like-minded friends and family.

For more information and insight into the Constitutional process for electing presidents, please see this excellent article by Mark Levin.

Happy New Year to you!