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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 06:30 AM


First Published in 1994


You Can Be a Light in the Darkness

DCs Dark Day

Wednesday’s events took the phrase, “When it rains, it pours,” to the extreme. Americans were waking up to the Georgia Senate election results, some were awaiting the Congressional certification of electoral votes, and others attended a rally in support of President Trump. However, the culmination of these tense circumstances resulted in an unruly mob becoming the focus of the day.

After November’s election results in the Georgia Senate race were too close to call, a run-off election was scheduled for Tuesday, January 5th. Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler were fighting to keep their seats and retain the Republican majority in the Senate. Money poured in from interest groups around the nation with opponent John Ossoff becoming the highest-funded candidate in history with $139.6 million ensuring his win. Unfortunately, both Republican incumbents lost their races by slim margins. This bad news was salt-in-the-wound to conservatives who fought so hard to keep them in the Senate.

As these results were being broadcasted throughout the news, thousands of President Trump’s supporters joined together on Capitol Hill to rally for a hopeful outcome to Congress’s certification of the electoral votes. Vice President Mike Pence convened the joint session and an objection to the Arizona votes was made. Shortly after, they immediately had to recess, and Congressmen and their staff were instructed to barricade themselves in the chambers and offices. Rioters had broken into the Capitol and began vandalizing and looting. Nearly every elected official condemned these acts of violence. Law enforcement spent hours trying to regain control of the Capitol building resulting in 4 deaths, 14 police officers injured, and 52 people arrested. The FBI has opened an investigation to find the individuals who committed these despicable acts. Some rioters have already been identified as ANTIFA members that blended in the crowd to start agitation.

Nearly six hours later, Vice President Pence presided in the Senate chamber to complete the certification of electoral votes. Although objections to six states’ electoral votes were planned, only two- Arizona and Pennsylvania were carried out with two hours of debate for each state. Both objections failed and Joe Biden was declared the winner of the Presidential election. President Trump afterward made a statement ensuring an orderly transition.

After all of this bad news, you may be wondering how you can make a difference. While the events of this week are disappointing to say the least, we at Eagle Forum always find productive ways to put our concerns into action.

First, we find hope in cultivating a family that is united in values, passionate about our American freedoms, and willing to engage civically. The difference you want to see in our country begins at home.

Second, we pray for our nation. Prayer is the most powerful tool we have to combat the darkness that has crept into our culture.

Third, we stand ready to work with like-minded Constitutionalists in D.C. to defend the Constitution from this radical Washington government. We will keep you posted.

Fourth, we will organize within the states where we can advocate for positive legislation to protect our liberties.

Eagle Forum has resources and tools to equip you in every one of these areas. Visit our website to find more information and to sign up for our various emails, newsletters, and alerts.