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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 06:29 AM


First Published in 1994


This week, eyes and ears are on the House of Representatives and the lower Chamber’s latest stunt to impeach President Trump in his last week of office. But, in the midst of this, a big win out of the Supreme Court has received very little press.

You may recall that in May 2020, a group of doctors sued the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in an attempt to remove a rule preventing abortion doctors from prescribing the abortion pill via mail without seeing patients in person. According to NBC News, the group did so because of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to this article, “Medical offices and clinics have either closed or restricted appointments… and requiring pregnant women to make in-person visits exposes them to a heightened risk of infection.”

Clearly, the abortion giant was attempting to use the pandemic as a means to line the pockets of their abortion-on-demand business with as little barriers as possible, like the health and safety of women. And just like other forms of abortion, the abortion pill isn’t as “safe” as the abortion industry wants women to believe it is. According to the FDA, women who take the abortion pill combination may have “…very heavy vaginal bleeding [that] will need to be stopped by a surgical procedure…” The FDA goes on to add that “other common side effects of the treatment regimen include nausea, weakness, fever/chills, vomiting, headache, diarrhea, and dizziness in the first day or two after taking the two medicines.” Lastly, the FDA has reported cases of women who have died from sepsis while taking the medication. Clearly, the abortion pill shouldn’t be given freely without seeing a medical practitioner in person.

Thankfully, the Supreme Court ruled this week to reinstate the FDA’s regulation that women must pick up their abortion pill in person from a hospital or medical office. Chief Justice John Roberts was the only member of the majority to offer an explanation, saying that:

The question before us is not whether the requirements for dispensing mifepristone impose an undue burden on a woman’s right to an abortion as a general matter. The question is instead whether the District Court properly ordered the Food and Drug Administration to lift those established requirements because of the court’s own evaluation of the impact of the COVID–19 pandemic. Here as in related contexts concerning government responses to the pandemic, my view is that courts owe significant deference to the politically accountable entities with the “background, competence, and expertise to assess public health.”

The Chief Justice deferred the decision to the experts, like those at the FDA. The Fourth Circuit will hear arguments in the case in 2021 and until then, we are thankful that SCOTUS decided in the favor of the health and safety of women.

President Trump left a lasting legacy during his presidency with the appointment of 3 conservative Supreme Court Justices to the bench. We are hopeful that we can count on these Justices, like in this decision, to uphold conservative values, for many years. It’s important that we remember this legacy as we look ahead to the Biden presidency. President Trump made the following statement in light of reports of demonstrations during President-elect Biden’s inauguration:

“In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking, and NO vandalism of any kind. That is not what I stand for, and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank You.”

We are hopeful that there will be no more violence in the coming week. While there will probably be many discouraging policies and laws made during President-elect Biden’s term, we know that some of President Trump’s successes will not be wasted, like the time and effort many Americans put into confirming his Supreme Court nominees.