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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 02:24 AM


First Published in 1994


Engage With Eagle Forum

We’ve talked frequently on Engage with Eagle Forum about the dangers of new laws on sexual orientation and gender identity, especially its impact on women and children. From privacy violations to decreased opportunities in sports, SOGI has the ability to completely upend current laws protecting women. Thankfully, it’s not just conservative groups, like Eagle Forum, that oppose SOGI policy and laws. We also have far-left allies in the form of ultra-feminists.

From opposing President Biden’s Executive Order combatting discrimination based on SOGI, to utter disgust at inclusive language naming breastfeeding “chestfeeding,” and menstrual product companies showcasing different types of “women” using their products, we have a lot in common and a whole lot at stake.

This week, the House of Representatives is poised to vote on the Equality Act. As you may recall, the Equality Act makes SOGI a protected class in our Civil Rights Statutes. As we’ve reported previously, this bill would grant men the right to sue if they were denied equal access to women’s private spaces such as showers, bathrooms, and nursing rooms. These men could also have access to women’s prisons and shelters. Women’s athletics would be dominated by men. Mothers would have no say in their child’s healthcare decisions if that child asks for hormone treatments or sex-reassignment surgery. Even a woman choosing a female doctor because of religious or personal preference would be considered discriminatory.

In this week’s episode of Engage with Eagle Forum, hosts Tabitha Walter and Kirsten Hasler discuss the Equality Act and its implications not only for women but also for all Americans’ first amendment rights with Heritage Foundation’s Emilie Kao. It’s a powerful and informative episode! Be sure to listen and share with your friends and family.

You can listen to “Equality Act Erases Women” on our website and Apple Podcasts. Please also consider leaving a rating and review. To further Engage, follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.