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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 12:20 AM


First Published in 1994


There’s a mess at the border. In March, it was reported that border crossings reached a fifteen-year high! From lost migrant teenagers to saddening reports of deaths from drownings in the Rio Grande, it’s clear something must be done to alleviate the burden on border patrol.

Yet, just a few weeks ago the House of Representatives passed two of their radical immigration bills. If enacted, the first bill, H.R. 6, or the American Dream and Promise Act grant automatic citizenship to 2.9 million individuals who entered the United States as a minor. You probably know this better as DACA or the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. This bill also grants citizenship to an additional 320,000 illegal immigrants who fall under Temporary Protected Status. It’s ironic that the program has the word “temporary” in its title when Congress is offering them permanent residence. 

The second bill is H.R. 1537, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, which would grant citizenship to over 1 million agricultural workers and their relatives. It would also replace the current worker program with one where immigrants can work a certain number of hours to obtain a green card. This isn’t merit-based or skill-based and these immigrants would have to work for little pay to obtain citizenship. 

If the Senate passes these bills and the President signs them into law, they will do absolutely nothing to help the border crisis. This is why in this week’s episode of Engage with Eagle Forum, hosts Tabitha Walter and Kirsten Hasler spoke with Numbers USA’s Rosemary Jenks. Jenks provides a clear overview of immigration policy procedures as well as what actually defines immigration per current statutes. You don’t want to miss this episode!

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