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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 12:21 AM


First Published in 1994


Liberals in Congress are trying to ram through a bill that will destroy our ability to have fair elections. The so-called For the People Act (S 1, 2021) is probably one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation in American history.

Instead of the "For the People Act," it should be called the "One Party Takeover of American Government Act," or, as Sen. Ted Cruz put it, "The Corrupt Politicians Act."

According to the Heritage Foundation, the bill – passed in the Democrat-controlled House (HR 1, 2021) and currently in the Senate – would federalize and micromanage the election process administered by states. It would give the federal government control over elections and take power away from the states. It would be an unconstitutional power grab that will directly threaten our liberty and freedom.

The For the People Act would (among other things) implement nationwide the same kind of changes in election laws that marred the 2020 elections. It would go even further in eroding and eliminating basic security protocols that states have in place – all the things we take for granted, including being a U.S. citizen and showing identification before you vote.

The "For the People Act" would automatically register countless people who are actually not citizens, and enable overt fraud by hackers and cybercriminals. In addition, the bill would:

      • Require states to allow felons to vote.

      • Require states to register 16- and 17-year-olds to vote.

      • Prohibit checking government records to make sure non-citizens aren't voting.

      • Require states to let people register to vote on election day (making it almost impossible to verify citizenship and prevent double voting).

      • Prohibit state laws requiring people to show an ID before voting.

      • Prohibit any inquiry regarding a person's legal status to vote.

      • Require states to allow "ballot harvesting" (where someone can collect ballots from others and turn them in) – even by candidates and others working in campaigns.

This bill would violate the First Amendment by requiring people (including nonprofit ministries) to report their comments and communications about candidates to the federal government.

It would also take your tax dollars and pay for campaign expenses, even for candidates that you don't want to vote for!

A lot of lessons can be learned from the 2020 elections. One of those things is that Americans just like you need to get involved in the process and turn our nation around. We encourage you to directly contact your U.S. Senators today, and tell them to stop the For the People Act!